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I beg your pardon! Get your facts straight before slinging bullcrap

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dquixote1217 Views: 16,296
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 1,314,258

I beg your pardon! Get your facts straight before slinging bullcrap

By ignoring this how many people are you relegating to an untimely death?

Wait just a minute, new age medicine man - how dare you post such uniformed bullcrap! I have always included addressing emotional issues and stress as part of my suggested anti-cancer protocol.  Just because I and the vast majority of other natural and alternative cancer treatment people, who are far from conventional in our thinking, do not believe your theory does not mean we are condemning people to death.  In fact, I would ask how many people might be condemned to death by simply addressing past traumas and feelgood issues without doing anything to attack and eliminate the cancers in their body or address the underlying physical causes.

The theory of trauma being the sole cause of cancer is an interesting one and it is selling lots of books for Dr. Hamer.  It is also utter hogwash and completely unproveable by anything other than anecdotal success stories, though I can accept it as an element of healing because it is helpful in many instances to eliminate emotional stress and enable the body to better heal itself - and I can see how you would have faith in it due to your own successes.  I would bet though that a very large number of people who were supposedly "cured" of their cancer by addressing their trauma were also taking other measures outside the conventional mainstream box.  The fact that they considered trauma therapy in the first place would seem to strongly indicate that, at least to me.

I have never once said that I doubted your successes.  But before make any more more half-cocked and uninformed statements like you just did or you sling any more mud or arrows, let me tell you a bit about the successes that have been seen in what I recommend:

I have a Yahoo Health Group which is over 5 years old now and which has over 1000 members.   In all that time and all those members, only two people are not still alive.  One came to us with very late stage brain cancer and years of chemo that had devastated his immune system.  The other only followed the protocol for less than two months and then decided to listen to mainstream medicine and get a nerve block for the pain in his spine due to metasticized prostate cancer - and he still lived over a year longer than their most optimistic projections.

Until you can top that, I suggest you refrain from making statements about others whom you obviously know nothing about and who have helped save people by pointing them towards nature and alternative healing outside the failed mainstream methods.

So I say to you, by all means continue with your successes and methods - every life that is saved no matter what method is a blessing.  And I will continue with my recommendations and rejoice in the successes of those who follow them.




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