Re: My two cents/ HOW MUCH IS IT WORTH?
Anybody who purports to know that there is one single cause to cancer is simply espousing their own theory.
Anybodoy who claims to have cured hundreds of people with a single alternative bullet cannot be accurate, as I have hundreds of clients, none of them use a single bullet to attack their cancers. Not a one. Very few people battle their cancer with just a psychologist.
Oleander freaks do other things, they modify diets, they drink green tea, they up the intake of vitamins.
We should be careful not minimize the effects of getting your house in order though, surely. I have seen people blossom and become totally different people after working on these traumatic issues, however, I was still kind offend by the remarks made to Dquixoti, as she hasn't condemned people to death!
Other people in this website are more deserving of this label but that is not for here or now.
Dquixoti has been very consistent with her position on psycho therapy. She has never told anyone not get emotional help. She admits that terrible secrets, trauma, and abuse are issues that can affect the immune system, and when battling cancer, we cannot ignore the role of immune system! No brainer here!
Her position if you get the facts correct: That emotional therapy may be useful but once you have active malignancy to focus on resolving these terrible issues should not be the only course of action. That to do so would be a terrible mistake.
I support this position as well.
Cancer hides from the immune system so the cortisone that is produced from anxiety can be reduced through therapy, this is all great but it is already too late for the immune system to do much as cancer hides from the immune system and suppresses the immune system. However, how nice to have healthier immune system to kick in once cancer is injured metabolically thorugh alternatives or traditional treatments.
To be safe, we all should automatically assume to battle cancer with alternatives while keeping trauma a hidden secret can never be as effective of statagy as battling cancer with alternatives and getting the psychological help for these sinister issues! Make no mistake about it. These issues do kill, if not by cancer:
By self abuse, addiction, depression, anger, destroyed relationships, anxiety, and sleep loss, poor health, self neglect, etc.,etc.!
Ok, since when did these things ever help a cancer patient fight off his disease?
Your points are valid, your concern are honerable. To steer anyone away from anything that could be therapeutic against a deadly illness has to be irresponsible. Nothing alternative promoted on this website is more toxic than cancer.
Also remember, Diquixote is just as concerned about lives as you are!