In a dysplastic field with high virus load (lytic cycles >> lysogenic cycles), where stem cells are also destructed (aplasia), tumor protects stem cell destruction. Actually there is some cross talk between hit stem cells to normal stem cell instructing them to transform (bystander effect).
Should virus load medically / dietetic-ally decline, tumor may become dormant or shrink (meditation). Medically like for instance as Dr Coley did with Coley's toxins or in the future when virus interfere will be allowed (
presently prohibited by dogma). Virus interfere: please see presentation from Professor Zajicek on you-tube (and have a good idea for startup): "How to cure chronic Hepatitis, In 1911 Francis Peyton Rous discovered the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) which causes a chicken sarcoma. In 1960 Harry Rubin discovered a virus which prevents RSV from causing a chicken sarcoma, ..."