My father was diagnosed with HIV 27 years ago!! I am soooooo grateful that he is still with us today but he is not doing well now. He was recently admitted into the hospital with •Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP)which I honestly thought was going to be the end. After a week, he was released, thankfully!! Prior to that he had purple lesions developing on his fingers. While in the hospital for the pneumonia, they took a biopsy of his finger and he was then diagnosed with Kaposi's sarcoma. After being shuffled to a few different doctors, they now want to start infusion chemo (not localized) because he has so many lesions. I AM SO WORRIED that the chemo is going to be so hard on him. His t-cell (cd4-?) is only 32!! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Alternative therapies, etc. His next appointment with his infectious disease dr. is not until November!! Should we request for him to seen more often? Also, I feel that he is showing signs og HIV dimentia!! I live in Austin & he lives in Fort Worth. I've begged him to move in with me but he will not. Also, I have researched the "greece test" for optimal chemo treatment. Any thoughts on that as well? It is very expensive. Worth it?