Is a "$1.0 million dollar federal grant and much bigger future guarantees linked to the Organic Valley decision to cut-off raw milk sellers?" 15 y
Excerpt from the Journal of Natural Food and Healing article: "Reasons for Organic Valley Raw Milk Decision: Part of the Government/Corporate Partnership?"
”All business decisions are economic. Follow the money.”
Comments include:
”Should ANY organization be able to force private business to do anything? This is a direct attack on liberty, as is happening at the Government level more and more.”
”This is a blow to the true independent farmer. ...
I am more and more wary of this administration – I feel that they are going to take away basic rights in the name of the common good. Eventually, I would not be surprised if many of us who eat whole, raw, local, seasonal items will have to go ‘underground’. I am starting to see a trend wher ... read more
Real Milk is Beyond "Organics" 15 y
Reply to a comment posted at the You Tube site for raw milk.
Comment at the You Tube site for Raw Milk -
”This is absurd... when you take the emotion out of these topics and actually look at the true science you’ll be far more well informed than these 2. You know why people like raw milk... because it’s about ~3.7 fat - fat is perceived as being sweet. That’s it... if you grow up on a farm, then fine, your body can adjust - but this notion of organics saving the world is just too much - there are so many loopholes around organic ... ex. organic pesticides are far less ... read more
Even The Queen Drinks Raw Milk! 15 y
"Dairying on the historic grounds of Britain's Windsor Castle"
By Ian Gumming (From the Ontario Farmer - Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2006 - Pages 22, 23)
”What hasn’t changed over the centuries is that these herds put raw milk on the Royal family’s and other consumers’ tables... The Queen drinks raw milk from her Jersey herd and when Princes William and Harry were being educated at nearby Eton, ’I would bottle up some milk from the Ayrshire herd every day and run it over to them’.”
Also of interest:
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"The 15 Things that Pasteurization Kills" 15 y
"What people (actually) are is 'Pasteurization Intolerant'"
By Mark McAfee, Founder Organic Pastures Dairy Company:
There are two raw milks in America, one for “people” and one for the “pasteurizer”.
Raw milk for people is clean, pure comes from cows on green pastures and is regulated on a state by state basis.
Raw milk for the pasteurizer is regulated by the FDA under the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) and can be filled with pathogenic bacteria. Raw milk intended for pasteurization is commingled from many CAFO dairies and is never tested for pathogens.
The War Against All Bacteria is No Longer in Your Best Interest -
The FDA sits ... read more
There Is "No Raw Milk Controversy"! 15 y
"Autism, Raw Milk and Forced Vaccination" - article
The ”controversy (is) of the health effects caused by factory processed milk”!
May 17, 2010 in Factory Farms and Food, Raw Milk and Milk Products, Vaccine Nation: Mass Vax
”There is a link between autism and raw milk taken with forced vaccination. It is the same people behind crème cartel, the monopoly milk machine, as the poisoned needles.
The debate over the health benefits of raw, farm-fresh, unprocessed whole milk has long been settled. Likewise, the controversy of the health effects c ... read more
"Liberty Must Be Defended With Vigilance." 15 y
"The point of the REAL MILK controversy": "Why limit freedom to drink raw milk?"
By Jim Fedako, a Lewis Center resident and a frequent contributor to, the world center of the Austrian School of economics and libertarian political and social theory.
”More frightening to me than raw milk is the fact that its sale is illegal in Ohio. ... we all are responsible for not objecting anytime government legislates and regulates the actions of our neighbors, friends and family.”
By Jim Fedako,
Published: Friday, April 30, 2010
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A Raw Milk News Digest 15 y
The Bovine offers an excellent collection of the current raw milk articles!
”Raw Milk — Max Kane risks prison by refusing to disclose who sells and who buys that ’controlled substance’”
and other story excerpts at:
FDA farm invasion in Pennsylvania:
Feds invade farm for 5 a.m. inspection
Serve warrant on farmer up to milk cows:
”The National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association Spokeswoman Deborah Stockton warned the requirement now is for federal agents to claim they have ’credible evidence’ regarding a case, but a ... read more
"Ground Zero In The Regulatory Assault On Raw Milk Is Wisconsin" 15 y
"Shift in Tactics by Government in War on Raw Milk" By David Gumpert
”While no one knows for sure how many Americans are drinking raw milk — estimates range from 500,000 to as many as 10 million or more — we know the numbers are rising because more dairies and more buying groups are being established to handle production and distribution.”
Read the whole article:
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"Raw Milk Has Never Hurt Us"! 15 y
Article in the Owen Sound Sun Times - Ontario, Canada
”Our governments have their place providing their actions are based on the practice of common sense. In truth, they are working against the tide of reality.
I have a suggestion for Messrs. Algie and Sandik as well as our Minister of Agriculture, our vacillating Ontario Premier and some of his ’yes-men’ -- read Ayn Rand’s book ’Atlas Shrugged’. May I caution them if they are not up to tackling 1,168 pages (for their much needed edification) then for the sake of all ratepayers in the province please read at least the 60 pages starting at page 1,109 for John Galt’s revealing speech.
The ... read more
Osteoporosis 15 y
Calcium requires phosphatase before it can be assimilated and nourish our bones. However, pasteurization destroys phosphatase and Vitamin D!
Further response to the possible notion that raw milk could cause osteoporosis in a comment left at You Tube:
”We have all been led to believe that (commercial) milk is a wonderful source of calcium, when in fact, pasteurization makes calcium and other minerals less available. Complete destruction of phosphatase is one method of testing to see if milk has been adequately pasteurized. Phosphatase is essential for the absorption of calcium. ”
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Free Educational Resources At Farm-to-Consumer 15 y
Introducing the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation - "Promoting consumer access to local, nutrient-dense food and supporting farmers engaged in sustainable farm stewardship"
”... organic farming legend, Tim Wightman, a farming expert of 35 years, teaches dairy farmers to reach well beyond conventional food safety goals.
A modern pioneer of the cowshare/herdshare concept, Wightman now serves as President of the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation. The 501(c)(3) educational non-profit aims to equip farmers and consumers with safety advice on raw dairy products via conferences, tele-seminars and printed materials.
The Foundation now provides two of Wightman’s educational tools to the public free of charge. These free resources include online copies of Raw Milk Pro ... read more
About Cows
15 y
Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board, Inc.
”Man milking cows is mentioned 44 times in the Old Testament of the Bible.
Christopher Columbus brought the first dairy cow to America on his second voyage.
Early settlers brought dairy cows to Wisconsin.
Each of the six breeds of dairy cattle – Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn – developed in its own country.”
Read all these interesting Dairy Cow facts: ... read more
Industry Turned Milk Into A "Displacing Food of Commerce" 15 y
Commentary by Chef Jem on a most recent "milk war" article.
July 7, 2020 - Pasteurization: A Technological Solution to a Manmade Problem -
(Image at article page) A 19th century illustration of ”swill milk” being produced: a sickly cow being milked while held up by ropes. (Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly)
By the mid-1800’s in America, some raw milk production had shifted away from farms and into highly-populated cities. Big cities did not have pastures or clean water, and the cows in city dairies were kept in filthy conditions with poor nutrition and poor animal health. Many of these cows were fed byproducts from alcohol distilleries, lead ... read more
"Healthy Milk Comes From Contented Cows Living Natural Cow Lives In Pastures"! 15 y
Article: "Skip Pasteurized. Drink Milk From Pasturized Cows."
by Heidi Stevenson
25 March 2010
There’s a contrast between the two ”milks” that come from two different kinds of animal that live in two different living conditions. It only makes sense that there’s a contrast in the benefits as well!
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Raw Milk in Vancouver B.C. 15 y
Vancouver Courier article "Chilliwack farm distributes non-pasteurized milk to Vancouverites" with intro by Gordon S Watson
Published: Friday, March 26, 2010
”Here’s what’s being said about us: amusing that at this late date, Dr Kendall is hedging his bets, now saying that it’s ’likely’ ’the anonymous sick child got sick from drinking milk from our dairy’. For months, the Health Authorities asserted it as a fact. What changed? ..... maybe us getting our side of the story out in Public?
I say = absent evidence, there was no ’sick baby’ = it never happened. But the diktocrats don’t care. They’ve done their job, leaving the impression in the public mind that REAL MILK is dangerous. And that govt.-licensed milk on store shelves is good fo ... read more
Real Medicine Through Whole Food Energy Systems 15 y
Excerpt from the interview with Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy in "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth"
”You know, when microbes suffer, in our bodies, we suffer. When they stress, we stress. When they die, we die. I’ll tell you something, there are some great studies that
have just come out in the last two years, showing, hey there are 750 trillion bacteria that inhabit our bodies. We are more bacterial than we are mammalian.
Why are we scared of bacteria? Why do we fear bacteria? It’s the best part of us. It is what we are; its what spaceship Earth is made of. And without it we can’t interact with food, we can’t nourish ourselves, it’s a critical part of the whole detritus system that ... read more
Coming Soon, Milk Men, the Movie 15 y
Kimberly Hartke article on Max Kane, Filmmaker and Raw Milk Activist
Comment posted: ”These men are trying to preserve freedom under extremely difficult circumstances.”
Look at the trailer for a new film about raw milk, food freedom and possible freedom itself!:
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