The U-n-I-Verse
by Chef JeM
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The Nature of the "Universe" (which isn't a 'Uni' anything)!   4 y  
"Adopt your own standards and ways and means of discernment."
February 11, 2020 - ”When you become a Seeker After Truth, whether it is the truth about your Great-Grandfather’s romantic affairs, or the truth about land titles, or your government, or the nature of the Universe (which isn’t a ’Uni’ anything), you have to leave behind the familiar territory of your Public School Education and make up your mind to adopt your own standards and ways and means of discernment --- most objectively, because so much of what you have been taught is self-interested bunk promulgated by commercial corporations acting ’as’ your government.”[1] -- Comment: I ...   read more

I AM the Center of My Universe!   5 y  
This affirmation is designed to open the flow for the Cosmic Force of our NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love!
An Affirmation by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Introduction - ”The center of my universe is the sacred Threefold Flame of my I AM Presence in my heart. My universe is every person, place, condition, and thing in my life and in the world, whether conscious or unconscious, past or present, through obvious choice, or through Karmic liability. Within my Heart Flame I can Love my universe free of all lower energies and thus set myself free, as well as assisting the forward progress of every other point in my universe. This affirmation is designed to open the flow for the Cosmic Force of ou ...   read more

A Human Design "Cosmology" of The "U-n-i-verse"   5 y  
I first began to be aware of a seed idea of this cosmology in 1970, years before "Supernova 1987A exploded" and when Ra had his encounter with "The Voice."
July 30, 2020 - “In the beginning there where … six Leptons (the second family in the field of five forces) which … divided into two groups, the Electrons and Neutrinos. The Electrons formed a polarity union with the Proton/Neutron and Atomic universe, (so that) our world of stars and trees and you and me could manifest. Everything that we think of as the universe, from the sky above to the sea below is atomic in nature. The Neutrino, however, is a special case. It is by far the most abundant of all the particles. Atomic material actually accounts for a mere ten percent of the mass o ...   read more

Jupiter Blessings   5 y  
The planet Jupiter is transiting through the sign of Sagittarius (through 2019) and urges us to have faith in the universe!
Jupiter entered Sagittarius on November 8th, 2018 and stays in this mutable fire sign until December 2nd, 2019. Jupiter’s effects are to expand our experiences, our knowledge, and our understanding. Jupiter represents optimism, growth, generosity, and abundance. Jupiter’s transit through the sign that it rules, fiery Sagittarius, urges us to increase our cultural and spiritual awareness, to expand our higher minds, to broaden our experiences, and to have faith in the universe. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, we attract the best fortune when we are open-handed and generous, tolerant, ...   read more

U-n-I-Verse-i-tea   5 y  
Earth is our classroom. Our lessons are regarding the regeneration of life!
January 23, 2022 - Wrote a journal note a couple hours ago that proceeded something like: - GU - ”Gratitude University” with: ”Masters of Gratitude” Offering: ”The Science of Gratitude”. Made mention of this to my housemate when she asked me how may day was going. I added that in addition to this expanding gratitude is the realization that: ”The Enchanted Garden” is our own Inner Garden of Gratitude that grows as we give more ground to it. The journal notes on this continued saying: by surrendering all thoughts, feelings, emotions, thought-forms, entities and Beings we give m ...   read more

Universe as an Embodiment of Order and Harmony - AKA: Cosmos   6 y  
Natural expressions of miracles - in every thought!
December 21, 2023 - ”How to be at one with the universe” - Hans Stossel (1959) expresses man’s modern need in this way: It is essential today to come to a deeper, spiritual, cosmic understanding, and that this alone is the necessity of our age and the need of this century should be revelation. This should be a time when man stands with a greater knowledge (not only a belief) of how to be at one with the universe. Einstein (1954) talked about the ”mystical” experience of ”feeling of true understanding: insight and the ”religious” feeling of true understanding: The most beautiful and ...   read more

There Is a Purpose Behind the Universe!   6 y  
The concept of a holographically in-formed universe and an underlying order, purpose, and meaning to the Cosmos
May 28, 2024 - Waking Up To The U-n-I-Verse - We know that technology has offered us a number of ways we can use in the present to bring our attention back at a specific moment in the future to something that we are intending to continue with at that time. Some of these methods includes ”alarms” of various kinds. One of the favorites of this writer is a simple battery-powered packet count down alarm that allows him to give his attention to other things without having to be concerned about the passage of time while for instance his tea is brewing. There are other ways that exist in li ...   read more

How Big Is The Milky Way?   7 y  
Conceptualizing a model of the Milky Way
Inspired upon reading: ”We are part of a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way, 100,000 light years across and our Sun is only one of it’s 200 billion stars. All the stars that you see in the night sky are part of the Milky Way Galaxy.”[1] How do we begin to conceptualize this? I thought a model would be helpful. There are 100 centimeters in a meter. If we use the centimeter to represent a ”light year” then we need 100,000 centimeters for our ”model”. Then we need an area with a diameter of 0.6213712121 of a mile to set up or at least imagine our model. I’m originally from Chicago where w ...   read more

A Direct Experience of Uranus, Pluto & More!   7 y  
An era of individual mutation
April 14, 2022 - Important Dates for Uranus Through Human Design Gates - ”There are no major transit events for Uranus in gate 2. It will be most active when the Nodes shift into gate 2 (north node) and gate 1 (south node) from 31 July to 27 November 2022. The North Node (our emergent edge) is in gate 2 with Uranus, so it’s definitely about rebalancing the yin polarity!! On 1 August 2022, Mars, Uranus and North Node will be in gate 2 line 6 with minor planet Albion. Albion catalyses major zeitgeist changes, supporting a kind of emancipation from cultural rules that don’t align with n ...   read more

The U-n-I-Verse That I Have Chosen to Live In!   8 y  
The ever-new flow of life through the you-'n-I-verse.
Although it’s been awhile since I was last here at the U-n-I-Verse I’ve continued thinking of us! I’m inspired with thoughts of God-us, God in us, Godin us, etc. I’m also remembering my sharing with my younger brother in about 1969 that God is all of us. I don’t imagine I’d say the same thing now however that was what I said then. Nowadays what I say is ”I AM my divine I AM Presence and I AM one with the divine I AM Presences of all humanity”. It is a wonderful release beyond the self-imposed limiting beliefs of my very very strict initial ”Christian” conditioning that I took very se ...   read more

"Do Not Be Afraid of The Universe."   8 y  
Richard Tarnas, Ph.D. "Humanity's Rite of Passage", Seattle, March 13, 2015
February 2, 2023 - The Body of The Universe - ”Human beings live within the cosmic organism, they are part of it, they are cells in this gigantic body that is the body of the universe, which the Cabbalah refers to as Adam Kadmon, and regardless of what they want or do, they cannot detach themselves from it. They receive life and all the elements they need to subsist from it: food, water, air and light. Of course, if their consciousness does not participate in this reality, they cut themselves off from this organism to a degree and deprive themselves of this life, this support. That is w ...   read more

Be Aligned With The Music of The Spheres!   8 y  
The most fundamental right relationships with our core being, with the U-n-I-verse and in the world.
December 13, 2022 - ”All of creation is nothing but music, a harmony of voices - everything sings. This symphony of the universe, which philosophers and poets called the harmony of the spheres, is a synthesis of all the languages through which the Creator ceaselessly manifests Himself.”- Omeraam Mikhael Aivanhov[8] -- Comment: This Blog-writer finds great validation, inspiration and more with the above quote! It alone quintessentially represents (most succinctly ; ~ ) all of the Cheeta vision![9] - *** Initial post on January 6, 2026 - A noteworthy stream of serendipities t ...   read more

Universal Law   9 y  
We "still have to be linked to the universe", "Key to Man and to the Universe" * "PDF of "Creating miracles in your life ..."!
June 26, 2024 - We ”still have to be linked to the universe” - ”When human beings incarnate on earth, they begin by spending nine months in the womb in which they are linked to their mother by the umbilical cord. After nine months, this cord must be cut so that they may live their own life as individuals. It is at this point that we say a person is born. But in order to go on living, humans still have to be linked to the universe by a more tenuous, fluidic cord ...”[9]* - *** January 14, 2024 - We Need Re-minding! - Here We All Are! - Where are we? ......... Where are you? .. ...   read more

Astrology and Music   9 y  
Researching esoteric connections that inspire my music.
Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 as of 9:50 AM (PST) San Diego, California (I’m so glad to be here now!) I now more fully grok the musicality of Pisces and that actually elevates my perspective on Pisces! I feel deeply attuned to the ”music of the spheres” with much of my own music. I intend to do more research re: ”Pisces .. the Most Musical Sign”.[1] In addition to this astrological aspect I also have experienced inspiration with the I Ching. Now I see that these two systems together can hold an all inclusive context for the ”music of the spheres”. With Human Design the two are integrate ...   read more

Cha Cha Cha Changes!   10 y  
Pluto Uranus Square
It has been over two years now since my last post here! I may review my journals to fill in this gap and at least summarize the most notable shifts. Believe me, there have been a number of definite shifts my friend! This past year alone has possibly been the biggest ’year of shifts’ of my entire life with very significant ”outer world” changes that I can briefly mention now (and may elaborate upon and/or link to other blogs that I have written in this regards). Just in the Autumn of 2013 - I have experienced: the unexpected ”crossing-of-the-threshold” of both my father and my siste ...   read more

A Fifth With Papa   12 y  
A poetic musing after my fifth (and sixth) visit with Papa: "Halloween in The Twilight Zone with Boris Karloff and The Adams Family"
He wants to give his ”world” to me he is pouring it out his rare vintage wine I only came with a cup in my hand yet he kept pouring his wine always flowing I had to stop him and show him my cup then tried to tell him I just like to sip ################### December 7th/8th, 2012 Today was my 6th visit with the one whom I was referred to in my blogs as ”Boris Karloff”.: (For more on ”Boris”: Back home in the ”after glow” of my visit I was inspired with a potential title (maybe a real work ...   read more

Worth Devoting Some Energy To!   12 y  
"Breaking the Godspell" by Neil Freer; Fourth Printing 2000.
”The quest for self-understanding, self-determination is the central, positive, essential focus of human nature to which we should devote high energy and intelligence. It seems to me that ”self-determination” is an essential part of the birth of the American Spirit that includes ”self-evident truths”, ”Liberty”, ”the pursuit of Happiness” as well as the ”free inhabitant”; all of which you can find in the Organic Laws which are part of ”the general and permanent Laws of the United States enacted through the 109th Congress”. The quest continues! I am fortunate to have a Human Design and a ...   read more

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A continuation of inspiration originally sparked by a friend and most recently through my experience during an acupuncture session. more...

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Re: I Am A "Passen… #1076… 15 y
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Son of Truth of Self  5 mon  (728)
Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  11 mon  (424)
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth  11 mon  (310)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
Original Truth of Self  15 y  (19)

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