Moose Milk "Food As Medicine" For Over 30 years! 11 y
"Cure for peptic ulcers - raw moose milk ..."
“Have an upset stomach and Pepto Bismol just isn’t doing it for you? ... try a glass of warm, salty, moose milk. ... chock-full of lypozyme – an enzyme that kills ulcer-creating bacteria – the slightly acidic milk has been used by Kostroma’s Ivan Susanin Sanatorium as a treatment for an array of diseases and disorders for over 30 years.”:
I can imagine a moose dairy and a clinic in Canada.
read more
"No Better Food For Children’s Wonderful Thought Machine" 11 y
"Nutritional Protocol for Infants - Ages 0 to 2 years"
Nursing the new born is universally the most natural form of nourishment throughout the entire animal kingdom. New born human babies are no exception to the laws of nature. Why is this truth opposed in the Western world and most especially in the u.s. of A.?
If you think that the Western medical doctor who advises formula instead of mother’s milk is better informed, more knowledgeable, more intelligent then the rest of nature, innate intelligence as well as the long-standing accumulated wisdom of our ancestors then I highly recommend that you think again and especially if you might poss ... read more
Voices Rise In Illinois Against Anti-Raw Milk Legislation! 11 y
Response To The Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium, INC.
Thanks to the thousands of individuals who contacted legislators in Illinois.:
”The sponsor, Daniel Burke (D-23rd district), chose not to move the bill out of committee after legislators were inundated with calls and emails from concerned Illinois citizens. ... The Weston A. Price Foundation issued a point-by-point rebuttal of Illinois public health official claims that a ban was warranted.”
This is a most informative rebuttal and especially so in regards to ”The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the ”U.S. Food and Drug Administration” as well as ”The American Academy ... read more
Is "Science As Counselor" - When It Comes To Real Food? 11 y
"Stanford Study on Raw Milk Digestibility: Conflicting Interpretations.
Raw Milk Proponents Question Sample Size, Duration and Study
I love it when the social sphere (including NGO’s and the like) takes a
critically active role and scrutinizes, criticizes the analytics of our (so called) scientific approach in what appears to be an anti-”real food” mission!
Just within the past couple hours I was thinking how grateful I am that
I do not have any dairy allergies and that I have only a mild to moderate sensitivity to dairy products that are pasteurized - and which I
do my best to avoid! My grate gratitude is in light of the fact that a
large part of my diet is based on raw goat milk plus some raw goat whey. Ho ... read more
Raw Milk - Food As Preventive Medicine 12 y
Stumbling upon the truth of raw milk and continuing on as if nothing happened!
”The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reported on August 29, 2011 that children who drank raw milk had a 41% reduced chance of developing asthma.”:
I know an anthropology professor who has spent years looking at childhood asthma among certain groups of poor farm workers and although the above is just one of many published reports on the benefits of ”farm milk” the anthropologist is not open to considering raw milk. Yet the particular group of children in the anthropological study live in the same ... read more
"The Court of Public Opinion" 12 y
"The 'civil rights' of the 21st century?"
”Back in 2006, Michael Schmidt’s first lawyer Clayton Ruby told him that the legal battle over things like raw milk and food rights will be won and lost in the court of public opinion. And that’s exactly why work like David (Gumpert) is doing is so important.”:
”The court of public opinion” needs to be fully informed in a number of ways to become more competent in deciding the outcome of battles waged by the powers that be against the small farmers. read more
"The Jury Has Spoken" In Wisconsin! 12 y
"Exactly 11 years ago this month" By: Farmer Vernon Hershberger and - "the new Raw Milk Bill" in the State of Wisconsin's legislature.
January 17, 2021 - ”Hello Everyone in 2021!!” =
”It is hard to imagine and much more hard to realize that we are actually in the year 2021 already! They have always told me that time goes faster and faster the older that you get. I’m realizing the truth of that statement more and more as the years go by! Exactly 11 years ago this month we stopped shipping some of our milk to a processing plant! A lot has happened since that time! When we stopped shipping milk the State Ag people swung into action and we had our first search warrant issued approx. 5 months later. The whole thing dragged ... read more
Hello Again! 12 y
Chef Jem returns (after a long "out breath") with Good News for Raw Milk!
A couple months ago I stopped using my computer and didn’t have my CureZone access codes in the back-up computer I was borrowing from a friend and so I created a new Blog instead.: The Whey, The Truth and The Life”. It is an all-inclusive blog of topics I had separated at five blogs, this one plus Son of Truth of Self, Chef Jem by chef jem, Evolving Nutrition Awareness plus The U-n-I-Verse. Everything was in one ”whey, truth and life” while my computer rested. Now my friend gave me notice to take back the computer and so I tried my computer and although it is not perfect it is functioning ... read more
"Raw Milk Consumption Is Growing At A Rate Of 25% Per Year" 12 y
"National Farmers uniion Endorses Raw Milk"
”The Weston A. Price Foundation ... announces that the National Farmers uniion ... has adopted new pro-raw milk policies at its 111th annual convention, held on March 2nd-5th ... The conference theme ... reflected the new, progressive stance on raw milk.”:
The anti-raw milk tide is surely turning now! It is one more good sign of the times that are all renewing hope in so many ways! read more
Raw Truth About Raw Milk 12 y
Joy Martinson: "Raw foods straight from farm returned me to health"
”With raw milk ... we need only to look at a human example to understand the difference between safe and unsafe. A healthy mom, eating a nutritious diet, provides the perfect food for her newborn, her breast milk. Whereas a child feeding on the breast milk of a crack-addicted mother will not flourish.”
I couldn’t have said this better!
Read more: ... read more
There Is No Such Thing As A Raw Milk "Criminal" 12 y
"Liz Reitzig apparently says that she is a confessed criminal by buying milk in one State and then bringing it home to another State for her own and her family's consumption."
”The statutes of the United States define federal crimes. Behavior that is considered a crime must be behavior forbidden by statute ...”(1) which in this instance must be a federal legislative act and every Act of Congress carries with it a land-based jurisdiction that consists of property that is owned by the ”United States of America”. However, the previous Organic Law(2) clearly states that ”the free inhabitants of each of these states ... shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states; and the people of each state shall have free ingress and r ... read more
"Raw Farm Milk ... Associated With Reduced Asthma" 12 y
"Children Who Drink Raw Milk Exhibit High Resistance to Allergens" by Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist on February 21, 2013
”... an international team of researchers has taken the Hygiene Hypothesis a step further by looking at the role raw milk plays in protecting against hypersensitization to environmental allergens.”
With three sources at:
”The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology is reporting that farm children who drink raw milk exhibit a far superior immune response than either farm children who don’t consume raw milk or children living in an urban setting.” read more
Raw Milk Truth As Told By A Farmer 12 y
"Readers are being fed a tube of baloney about the supposed risks of a product that millions of people consume." - By Vince Hundt
”Articles about the report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that dairy products, and especially raw dairy products, are a real threat to public health was an acrobatic piece of writing”:
The Swiss and the French (who have life-spans ranked among the highest) are prominent raw milk drinkers!
I’d like to identify a French counter-part to the famous Swiss story of Heidi (and all the healing raw goat milk and products the Heidi story featured) and put tho ... read more
Fighting Back The Milk Empire 12 y
"Country’s Largest Raw Milk Supplier Sues FDA for Ban on Interstate Sales"!
”... I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore! And neither is Mark. ’We’re gonna battle the FDA out in the open and make them respond and look at the facts,’ he said.
So, now he and the Consumer Legal Defense Fund are bringing the fight to FDA, by slapping a lawsuit down upon them.”:
February 15, 2013 -
The claims of health hazards from drinking raw milk in general have been argued ad nauseum & the end result is a history of misdirected hype and hysteria. This article supposedly presen ... read more
More Milk Truth 12 y
Comment On "Margo Redmond: Be prepared to cry over spilled raw milk"
The comparison of antibody protection in utero vs. feeding (either breast milk or formula) would be an interesting study. However, nourishment is not an either or choice. Just as there can be a debate over formula vs breast milk there are variables in protection and nourishment during pre-natal development as well. Generalizations beg for more specifics.
Traditionally all the animal milk used by humans was obtained from the animals without any other agents or agencies adding one or more processes.The ”milk problem” began when distilleries displaced the animal from its natural pasture en ... read more
Disappearance Of American "Yankees" 12 y
"Final FDA Raid and Takeover of Morningland Raw Milk and Cheese Dairy" By Heather Callaghan - Activist Post
Truth is not beauty! The truth about ”FDA raids” requires a closer look at who is raided.
I agree about the ”sad day” that is mentioned in this article[1]
... however the loss of cheese is not what’s sad to me. Even the loss of ”jobs” is not as sad as the loss of the knowledge of who we are as free Americans and especially what our true relationship is with governmental agencies and the like. The people parish for lack of this knowledge and not for the lack of cheese or jobs.
April 11, 2019 - Continuing: ”for lack of this knowledge” -
The above blog post was published h ... read more
Legal Charges & A Farmer Who Honors God And Respects Milk! 12 y
The "legal impossibility" of the charges against this farmer!
Vernon Hershberger is a dedicated family farmer who is farming on his own private land in Wisconsin (known as the Dairy State). Thirteen months ago Vernon was charged with four misdemeanor counts for alleged violations of the Wisconsin food and dairy code. ”On December 5, 2011, the state of Wisconsin filed criminal charges against ... Vernon Hershberger on four misdemeanor counts for violations of the state food and dairy code. Hershberger was charged with operating a retail food establishment without a license, operating a dairy farm as a milk producer without a license, operating a dairy ... read more
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