Something Really Horrible Has Developed In Wisconsin State 11 y
"A New Act In Raw Milk (Im)Morality Play, Brought To You By America's Dairyland"
Investigative reporting further verifies what this Blog site has presented before - that there are two entirely different kinds of milk in this country and now also makes it clear that there are two entirely different sets of behavior (ethics, morality, etc.) that follow the distinctly separate milk trails.:
I find it rather amazing that ”raw milk” has become ”the crucible” that it is in Wisconsin. However, I also understand the nature of ”the beast” with its ”white ... read more
Something Really Wonderful Developed In The "Gold Country"! 11 y
The real-life account of a private cow share from inception to its hopeful metamorphosis.
From 1997 to 2008 I lived in what is known as ”the Gold Country” in Northern California. I originally came there somewhat suddenly while I was visiting my sister in Hawaii (who was preparing to close the chapter on her life here on Earth so she could be with her little daughter who had crossed-over a couple years earlier after an unsuccessful heart surgery). A close friend who had just moved to the Gold Country foothills informed me of a promising agricultural-based community arts initiative that sounded like it was ”right up my alley”!
My friend and I had just returned from traveling t ... read more
He Drank Sour Milk Every Day Based On This Theory 11 y
Life-Lengthening Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria
Élie Metchnikoff (1845 – 1916) was a Russian biologist, zoologist and protozoologist, best known for his pioneering research into the immune system.
”Mechnikov also developed a theory that aging is caused by toxic bacteria in the gut and that lactic acid could prolong life. Based on this theory, he drank sour milk every day. He wrote three books: Immunity in Infectious Diseases, The Nature of Man, and The Prolongation of Life: Optimistic Studies, the last of which, along with Metchnikoff’s studies into the potential life-lengthening properties of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus delb ... read more
"The Whole Truth" Needs Financial Support 11 y
Small dairy farming in Northern California
Meet The Herd
One of my favorite small dairy coops:
YouTube video, just under 7’.
Here’s a scene of doing the right thing at a good location with the right people. All that remains is to develop the ”right economics”.
About three years ago I focused on the ”Rights Sphere” in my efforts to support ”Food Rights” issues with an emphasis on raw milk. Now my focus is on the economics of small farms.
Posted at
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Real Milk Wisdom According to Ancient Tradition 11 y
"Milk in the Age of Convenience" - Milk: the whole truth from an ayurvedic perspective.
April 7, 2018 - Evolution of the human GI tract -
”In Paleo circles, it’s sometimes said that while the world has changed in innumerable ways in the last 10,000 years, our genes have changed very little. And further, that we really only thrive in a world with similar conditions to the Paleolithic era.
Quite frankly, this is not how evolution or genetic expression works.
If humans could thrive only in an environment similar to or the same as the ones their ancestors lived in, our species would not have lasted very long.
Examples of the ways we have evolved in the past 10,000 years ... read more
Holy Cow! 11 y
A Hari Krishna farm in Escondido with cows!
About 12 hours or so ago one of my housemates mentioned that there is a Hari Krishna farm in Escondido with cows! That immediately got my high attention! I just serched for them and fortunately found the cows at! I posted the following comment.:
The cows really look endearing!
My first thought is whether they have green pastures to feed on their natural diet.:
visit the page
Something New Is Emerging! 11 y
Something new and good with Chef Jemichel - executive producer of "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth".
I have a number of indicators to substantiate this Headline among which includes a new subscriber to my You Tube Channel to whom I replied:
Greetings Mark!
Thanks for subscribing!
Interesting that you happen to subscribe now on this partiuclar New Moon and within the 24-hour time window when I was just inspired with the idea of producing another video on raw milk! I will probably blog about it here:
and probaly here:
The other indicators will be forthcoming!
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The Real "Raw Milk Controversy" is with the FDA 11 y
Every freedom-loving American needs to understand the Organic Laws in order to know what a "free inhabitant" truly is. Then they will be fully-informed enough to "educate" any FDA employee.
Several months ago I made the following comment at The Complete site regarding a noteworthy point there (plus a couple small edits to the following on December 6th).
I appreciate the need ”to educate the FDA”!
If we can agree that the FDA is an entity that has been created by Congress then we could have a very interesting conversation; one that I believe could single-handedly redirect the course of the ”raw milk controversy” out of the arena of the government whenever and wherever the issue is on free American soil - because the ”free American soil” is beyond the proprietar ... read more
Raw Milk (for) The Whole Tooth! 11 y
Town Without A Toothache, Hereford, Texas, in Man Versus Toothache
”Dr. George Heard’s Tooth Decay Halting Program (with raw milk of course):
... you must contrive in one way or another to consume your quart of milk a day. You can beneficially take part of it in butter milk or clabber, cottage cheese or ice cream.
After a newcomer has lived in Hereford a few years, provided he has drunk lots of raw whole milk, he develops resistance to tooth decay. Even the tooth cavities which he brings with him when he comes to Hereford will be glazed over, if he has drunk raw milk...
Milk does the immunizing job better than any other food, simply because milk is ... read more
No Amount of "Outlawing" Raw Milk Is Ever Going to Work! 11 y
Is FDA Becoming Internationally Isolated On Raw Milk?
The UK, New Zealand and a number of other countries have their ears open and are truly listening to the interest by their people for raw milk plus they are responding accordingly; but none of that ”open”, listening” and ”responding” is true here in the u.s of A. Therefore it does appear that the FDA is becoming ”isolated” in regards to what appears to be a greater world-wide acknowledged interest in raw milk. The FDA’s deafness is not news to the raw milk movement. But the rest of the world’s acceptance and support may be of interest! In any case raw milk is here to stay and no amount of ” ... read more
Airag - The Traditional National Beverage of Mongolia 11 y
"The most important animal of the Mongols is the horse. Horses don't only serve as riding animals, the mare's milk also has a special status."
Based on the fact that my present diet is now about 85% fermented goat’s milk I am reasonably certain I could do well on a similar diet of ”Fermented Mare’s Milk”:
visit the page
Milk Contains Everything A Man Requires For His Organism 11 y
A Lecture By Rudolf Steiner: "Problems of Nutrition"
How many other foods do you know of that can be given the same credit?
By ”milk” we are speaking of the traditional, old fashioned ”farm milk” before the advent of modern day industrialized ”milk” products (that would require another blog to fully identify just how the milk product of commerce is dramatically different and inferior to real milk).
The following is quoted from a lecture by Rudolf Steiner.
”... Milk is only partly an animal product and the animal or human astral forces do not participate in its production. For this reason milk is one of the most perfect foods. It is ... read more
Real Buttermilk Is "Grandma’s Probiotic" 11 y
"Got Buttermilk?" NY Times article.
My newest housemate saw my goat milk clabber production the other day and said it was ”buttermilk”. I went along with that however, I had some uncertainty as to how correctly the term was being applied to my clabber. Now after reading three articles I can more fully accept having my clabber referred to as a kind of buttermilk (that I may further clarify below).
I’ve enjoyed reading this NY Times article on the subject.:
Wherein I read:
”... buttermilk has gastrointestinal benefits. ’It’s grandma’s probiotic’. .. ... read more
Milk Cures 11 y
What if you drank only lukewarm raw milk, and didn’t eat anything else?
Some of my greatest enjoyments come from reading the personal reports of people who share their rather enlightening experience of drinking raw milk.
Moments ago I re-enjoyed reading the ”progress report” from Alice Jongerden on her milk fast of 2013.[1] This fourth day’s log is representative of the whole report:
”Day 4. Woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. Good thing, I had a big day planned, including a Raw Milk Presentation in the evening. By now I was thinking about how easy this has been. No cravings, always feeling satisfied, and now feeling quite energized. I also have b ... read more
Raw Milk From Farming Serfdom To Independent Entrepreneurs 11 y
Mark McAfee: "NPR is doing an interview tomorrow with me about RAWMI and the missing national raw milk standards."
If you haven’t heard Mark speak on Raw Milk then this NPR interview is a good opportunity for you to hear America’s ”Johnny Appleseed” of Raw Milk!
”... One of my major points (in the NPR interview) will be the blindness by which the FDA has completely ignored established standards that have been successfully working for years and years, not to mention RAWMI (Raw Milk Institute) common standards that have been peer reviewed and published for three years. Punch line... This is a market protection & political issue. With raw milk the wrong people make the money. Farmers are supposed to be ... read more
Is It Possible For Raw Milk To Reverse The Aging Process? 11 y
Is aging determined just by objective criteria or is it a subjective phenomena?
It appears that I have had a diet of mostly raw milk (in one form or another) for well over a year now. Just recovered a comment I made on: April 25, 2013:
I have been culturing virtually all my dairy products and now enjoy about six to seven cups of kefir every day. Some times I have a cup or so of raw, grass-fed creme fraiche. I stir with about three cups of my home made kombucha and about four cups of whey plus a couple tablespoons of minerals. About every other day I add two tablespoons of spirilina to the mix that totals one full gallon. That is about 80 to 85% of my diet. I ... read more
"Interstate Milk Freedom" 11 y
"Congress Moves To End Raw Milk Prohibition Nationwide"
”The Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014, or H.R. 4307, would lift current FDA restrictions that prohibit all interstate trade involving raw milk. ...”
I am all for all of the “milk freedom” that people want! I have no doubts whatsoever about the Rights of the people to have realize this freedom. However, I do not know about the members of Congress.
(September 16, 2015): I think an extensive and substantial apology from Congress is in order for all the personal injuries, property damages, various Rights violations, pains, legal penalties, etc, that enforcement agencies have committe ... read more
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