The Raw Milk Police & Their Tactics 15 y
Rawesome Foods Raid - The federal government declares war on raw milk by raiding Rawesome Foods in Venice, California
Stephen Colbert creatively addresses the government fear tactics against raw milk. [1]
December 9, 2015 -
In a search for medical investigative reporters I found Jon Rappoport’s site and his inclusion of the tactics employed at the Rawesome Foods Raid.[2]
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The Right to Make Truthful Claims on Product Labels 15 y
Ban on Milk Labeling Ruled Unconstitutional - After more than two years of litigation, a federal court struck down an Ohio ban on labeling dairy products as "rbGH free," "rbST free," or "artificial hormone free".
It’s a fundamental Common Law Right, ”Freedom of Speech” and people are adamant about knowing how there food is produced!
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Article in TIME Declared to be "A Tipping Point for American Media Coverage of the Raw Milk Issue" 15 y
Got Raw? TIME covers raw milk movement
I usually don’t care about ”TIME” but this time it’s different! Based on what Kimberly Hartke says I will read this article!:
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"When did we become Communist China and Marxist Russia?" 15 y
"Milk….It’s a Menace!!!" -
Part 2 of farm/food freedom series on raw milk by Doreen Hannes
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DVD Review by the Weston A. Price Foundation 15 y
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth
(formerly "Raw Milk Controversy: Fact and Fiction)
A Thumbs Up Media Review by Tim Boyd
”The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction
(Now Known As ”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth”)
(featuring) Mark McAfee and Dr. Dale Jacobson, DC
This is a recording of Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy in California having an informal discussion with Dr. Dale Jacobson about the value of raw milk. The discussion opens with a quick history of milk. Those who have read The Untold Story of Milk by Dr. Ron Schmid will be familiar with this fascinating story.
Following this is a discussion on how allergy trends align with antibiotic use and consumption of pasteurized milk. One interesting poin ... read more
FDA is "Making Sure That We Have A Hard Time Getting Food That Is Actually Good For Us" 15 y
"Farming Without A License Is A Criminal Enterprise" by Doreen Hannes
”If Missouri falls to full implementation of the Food Code and Healthy People 2020 the rest of the states will likely be little competition for the overreaching federal government controls brought to full enforcement by the Food Safety Modernization Act (S510).”
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The Prosecution of Raw Milk Farmers in Canada 15 y
Press releases from: Kimberly Hartke re: Michael Schmidt and from: Alice Jongerden of "Home on the Range" raw milk dairy in Chilliwack B.C. - Canada
For Immediate Release (From Kimberly Hartke)
Michael Schmidt on Hunger Strike for Responsible Food Freedom
Across Canada and U.S. Supporters Have Joined Michael On This Strike
(Toronto – October 10, 2011) Michael Schmidt has been fighting since 1994 for the right of men, women and children in Ontario to drink raw milk. He is the founder of Cow Share Canada, which provides health standards for raw milk production, and which lays down some of the most stringent hygiene standards.
Over the last 17 years he has made every effort to co-operate with the authorities to find a solution ... read more
"The Effects of Raw Versus Pasteurized Milk in Children" 15 y
Quote from "Some Facts About Raw Milk" by Sally Fallon,
Nathan Straus & his advocacy of pasteurized milk, plus "New Large Study" on children drinking raw milk.
From ”A Campaign for Real Milk” -
a project of The Weston A. Price Foundation
”During the 1920s and early 1930s, several studies were carried out that compared the effects of raw versus pasteurized milk in children. In one study, 224 children at the Boston Dispensary were fed either raw certified milk or grade A pasteurized milk (Archives of Pediatrics, 1926). Those fed raw milk were healthier than those fed pasteurized milk, even when the pasteurized milk was supplemented with cod liver oil.”
Also: ”Kids Drinking Raw Milk Have 40% ... read more
"Your Enchanted Gardener" Envisions Gifting Congress With
"Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" 15 y
Leslie Goldman blogs how we can not cut corners on life! We can not cut corners on life-giving food like Raw Milk and we can not cut corners on the kind of communications that is life to us!
Ask your favorite natural foods company to send some ”Truth” to Congress before they vote on S510!
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Raw Milk May Have Less Than A .0002% Risk For Food-borne Illness;
Less Than Pasteurized Milk! 15 y
Dr. Mercola comments on Daily Finance article: "The War Over Raw Milk Heats Up" at
From ”Millions of Americans get sick every year from eating contaminated foods. Among them, at least 325,000 will be hospitalized and 5,000 will die, according to FDA statistics.”
I asked CDC-INFO and they responded: ”An estimated 76 million cases of foodborne disease occur each year in the United States. The great majority of these cases are mild and cause symptoms for only a day or two. Some cases are more serious, and CDC estimates that there are 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths related to foodborne diseases each year.” ”Many foods are responsib ... read more
Raw Goat Milk For Stomach Ulcer and Arthritic Conditions 15 y
"You Can Master Disease" by Bernard Jensen
In ”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” you can hear Dr. Dale Jacobson, DC make several references to goat milk. It should be noted that his interview of Mark McAfee appears to be guided by the ”essays” on Milk, Dairy and related subjects in his ”Information Booklet For Patients And Friends Of Jacobson Chiropractic”. (In fact I believe that I would be doing the production justice by referring to these essays within the transcript that I have made of the first hour-long program on the DVD.) About the time that Dale graduated from California State University he attended a lecture of Dr. Jensen and wa ... read more
What Is "Commerce"? 15 y
Raw Milk Consumers Win Round One -
Judge Refuses to Dismiss Challenge to FDA's Interstate Ban on Raw Milk
”In a complex federal district court ruling, Judge Mark W. Bennett ... sees the citizen petition as a way to resolve the question of whether the plaintiff’s conduct involves or affects ’interstate commerce’ sufficiently to fall within the proscriptions of § 1240.61, and, still more specifically, whether the plaintiffs’ conduct constitutes ’delivery [of raw dairy products] into interstate commerce’ or ’distribution’ of raw dairy products after shipment in interstate commerce.”
These are good questions! It seems to me that we all need to get very clear about what commerce is and what it i ... read more
"Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" Intro at Controversial Bookstore 15 y
Chef Jem begins sharing the newly upgraded DVD at special gatherings in San Diego.
Scott Masters and I joined a group introduction and ”social” at the Controversial Bookstore in San Diego.
I brought DVDs, available for sale.
When I first wrote this (before the event) I was thinking of touching ”lightly” upon the very critical history of milk since ”the War of 1812” up through now. And in thinking further on that I noted that the ”art of war” is largely about dividing and conquering. The ”War of 1812” consequently caused what I am call a ”mutation” in milk that eventually became the start of two entirely different milks as well a ... read more
The Local Pasture Church Recovery 15 y
As Raw Milk Lovers - We May Need To Seek Answers Out Of "State" And In "Church".
Every Good Shepard knows that his/her flock needs green pastures! Church ministers can support their flock all the more by including basic teachings (according to the pure milk of the word) on how the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and how the body requires certain sacred foods such as the ones that Dr. Price discovered among the cultures he visited. Here is one account.
Dr. Price wrote: ”From Dr. Siegen, I learned much about the life and customs of these people. He told me that they recognize the presence of Divinity in the life-giving qualities of the butter made in June when t ... read more
DVD Now Available In A Full Color Photo Cover! 15 y
"Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVD with added value!
Raw Milk: The Whole Truth DVD now has the added value of a full-color photo-cover at no additional charge! The same high quality DVD is fully guaranteed by the manufacturer: CopyCat. (There were no rejects in that last batch!)
Contact Chef Jem for further information:
chef AT thesetruths DOT com. visit the page
"Raw Milk As A Part Of Holistic Medicine" 15 y
Raw Milk, Wonder Tonic, holistic medicine+Raw Milk, psoriasis+Raw Milk, University of Wisconsin+Raw Milk, Raw Milk+wisconisn doj
”One woman reported that her osteopathic physician recommended raw milk for her husband’s psoriasis. She saw raw milk as a part of b. According to researchers, holistic health was a recurring theme in all of the interviews. ”
This research comes from the University of Wisconsin. As of December 15, 2011 I’d love to see this UW-Madison community and Environmental Sociology Department invite the Wisconsin DOJ over for some raw milk a and cookies!
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A Real Life Story of The Two Milks 15 y
"A Tale of Two Milks" - By: Stanley A. Fishman, Author of "Tender Grassfed Meat" and Jon Barron on raw milk.
July 23, 2020 - From The Archive -
Jon Barron wrote:
Are there any health benefits to drinking raw milk? According to the FDA, no. And if all you measure are protein and fat content and added vitamin D, they are correct.
But if you consider that pasteurization involves heating milk to approximately 1450 Fahrenheit for 30 minutes or longer and therefore kills all enzymes and beneficial bacteria in the process, then the answer is not so obvious.
Heating the milk to pasteurize it ”denatures” dairy proteins making some of them much more allergenic than they are in their natural s ... read more
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