The Raw Milk War 15 y
"The War Over Raw Milk: A Battle Heats Up" at Daily
”The FDA has long banned interstate sales of raw milk ...”
I question all of this!
It was not really that long ago as the code reportedly became effective September 9, 1987. But what authority did the FDA actually have and where was it applicable?
Congress may have certain Constitutional authority to regulate interstate commerce however the terms ”regulate”, ”commerce” as well as the entire authorization itself are all limited in their scope. We need to ask ”is our personal food that we obtain as ... read more
20 Agents Appear At A Private Farm At 7 a.m ... "No One Will Say Officially What The Purpose Of This Latest Raid Was" 15 y
"Raw Deal" article in Grist Magazine
by David Gumpert "Raids are increasing on farms and private food-supply clubs—here are 5 tips for surviving one"
”What is very clear is that government raids of producers, distributors, and even consumers of nutritionally dense foods appear to be happening ever more frequently.”
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Photopurification? 15 y
"(South Africa) milk technology hailed - an alternative to purifying milk with heat. Instead, it uses ultraviolet light to achieve pasteurisation"
”Cape Town - A South African company that has developed a new liquid purifying technology has been hailed in the UK as ’most likely to succeed’ at the recent Industrial Energy Efficiency Accelerator (IEEA) conference hosted by Dairy UK.”
”at the very end of the article, we find out the mindset of those promoting this technique ... anyone who thinks human breast milk needs to be purified before a baby gets it, is ’unclear on the concept’”- Gordon Watson
I would like to know what photopurification does to the friendly bacteria in milk. visit the page
"Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" In Biodynamics - Summer '10 15 y
Update regarding the DVD, now listed in the resources of the Biodynamics journal.
Very pleasantly surprised to find the DVD listed on page 41 in the Resources section of this issue! Thank You Rebecca Briggs!
Update: Just ordered a new batch of DVDs now in a full color photo cover that I am really pleased with! The photo is of a horned cow and that was encouraged by Harald Hoven of Rudolf Steiner College. Thank You Harald! The photo was gifted by Hawthorne Valley Farm! Disk label artwork was a gift from Steve Susoyev! Layout of the covers and the disk art work by Leslie Goldman AKA Your Enchanted Gardener. Helpful assistance at CopyCat by Stella Price! And the origina ... read more
Wisconsin Anti-Trust-Hearings 15 y
"Raw Milk Gets Attention at Dairy Industry Anti-trust Hearings"
”Here is the one raw milk testimony at the DOJ and USDA anti-trust hearing on the dairy industry held in Madison, Wisconsin last week.”
My Testimony Before the Dairy Anti-Trust Workshop
by Lisa Jacobson, Guest Blogger
”As this system is definitely broken, it is really suspicious that there were barely any angry farmers speaking out at this event.”
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"The Tipping Point Of A Food-Rights Movement" 15 y
"Big Brother Eyes Your Freedom To Drink Milk" -
Decision will determine 'whether government controls the people'
By Bob Unruh
”In the government’s earlier motion to dismiss, its lawyers argued Americans have no fundamental right to choose what food they can have.”
Which of course is ”Udderly Ridiculous”!
”Plaintiffs represent the tipping point of a food-rights movement that involves knowing one’s source of food; becoming responsible for what foods go into one’s body; becoming responsible for one’s health; ensuring that one’s family and children grow up healthy with an excellent immune system; and engaging in conduct with similar like-minded individuals to promote a healthier and happier America.” ”
http:/ ... read more
Grass-fed Milk & Milk-fed Grass! 15 y
"Farmers turn to milk for fields" -
Studies show richer soil after dousings.
By T.J. Greaney
”Wetzel began making specialty butters and cheeses that required only the fats from the milk his cows produced. This left behind large quantities of skim milk as a waste product, and to dispose of it Wetzel drove up and down a portion of his pasture with a gusher of the white liquid flowing out of a tank. ...”
Dave Wetzel’s site:
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Chinese Medicine And Milk 15 y
Why Natural Health Care Practitioners Need To Be Careful
About Recommending Restricting Dairy Products.
essay by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon
I found this to be an interesting read in light of my recent interest to find common ground between the dietary wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine and that of Nourishing Traditions
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"State Regulators Who ... Conduct Their Prosecution Of Milk Producers Through The Media" 15 y
"The Minnesota Departments of Health and Agriculture along with the media have all blamed raw milk from the Hartmann Dairy for ... several cases of foodborne illness without ... evidence."
By Gary K. Wood
”The family had not received any information from any consumer about concerns, or allegations of E. coli contamination of any food product until the farm was subjected to the execution of a search warrant by the Minnesota Departments of Agriculture and Health.”
”press release from Mike Hartmann
What follows is a statement on behalf of Michael Hartmann, owner of Hartmann Dairy Farm, and his family in response to a number of news reports that milk from the farm has made people ill.
The Minnesota Department of Health ... read more
"These Arrangements Turn Their 'Customers' Into Either Owners Of The Farm Animals Or The Farm Business, Thereby Allowing Them To Legally Drink Raw Milk." 15 y
"Raw milk issue heads to courts as farmers file lawsuits"
”... to legally drink raw milk” - my, what an amazing concept this is! Seems like this ”legal drinking act” should include something that otherwise would be dangerous to the public health without the legal arrangement!
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"Restraint Of Trade Is The Motive For Outlawing (Raw Milk)" 15 y
Commentary by Gordon S Watson - plus - pathogen detection technology: "Is this water safe to drink?"
by Jody Jacob
”Those of us paying close attention to the raw milk controversy know that objection to its legality does not arise from actual high risk of hazard to the public health. Rather, restraint of trade is the motive for outlawing it and/or giving raw milk dairies a hard time.
If - for the sake of argument, only - we allow that hazardousness is the problem, then the solution is already at hand (see linked article).
Dairies which use this technology to add value in the form of confidence, will put more distance between themselves and their competitors. And so command a higher price in an ove ... read more
Updates on Raid in Wisconsin 15 y
"Close to State of Emergency" -
"UPDATES: Farm Food Club Raid in Wisconsin/Fundraiser Announced"
Most recent update:
”The state’s invasion of Vernon’s farm and the threats against Vernon and his family represent a broader threat against liberty. Raw milk has become a linch pin in a fight for food sovereignty and health freedom. Vernon and Erma are leading us to the truth by their actions of civil disobedience. ”
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"Evidence ... of the profound bankruptcy in quality, wholesomeness, artisan pride, tradesmanship and self-sufficiency that's wholly lacking from The Factory Farm ..." 15 y
"Heroism: A Uniquely Human Trait; the Story of Vernon Hershberger"
... .or from its billionaire DC law firm lobbyists, its former executives now sitting in politically appointed regulatory positions...from the entire tawdry, incestuous affair -- from top to bottom and wall to wall.
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Modern Day "Pottenger" Study 15 y
"Real Science Study Just Released – The Tale of Two Calves: Pasteurized Milk is Unhealthy / Raw is Superior"
”... the results we have seen with these two calves are credible and significant. They are in fact supporting the findings of Pottenger’s cat study, which as well has been ignored and ridiculed.”
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The Mother of "Prevention" 15 y
"You're Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It's Not So!" by Jeffrey Smith, Author and founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology
”... Michael Taylor ... may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history ... is now America’s food safety czar. What have we done?
While Taylor was at the FDA in the early 90’s, he also oversaw the policy regarding Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rbGH/rbST) -- injected into cows to increase milk supply.
The milk from injected cows has more pus, more antibiotics, more bovine growth hormone, and most importantly, more insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is a huge risk factor for common cancers and its high levels in thi ... read more
"We Need To Look To Milk As The Perfect Food And Learn Everything We Can From It." 15 y
From: "Is milk from grass-fed cows more heart-healthy?"
”Earlier experiments have shown that cows on a diet of fresh grass produce milk with five times as much of an unsaturated fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than do cows fed processed grains. Studies in animals have suggested that CLAs can protect the heart, and help in weight loss. ...
If milk does the heart good, it might do the heart better if it comes from dairy cows grazed on grass instead of on feedlots, according to a new study.”
I would look exclusively at whole, raw, grass-fed m ... read more
"Anti-Raw-Milk Fear Mongering" 15 y
"Are Sellers of Foods That Cause Illness the Same As Terrorists and Child Molesters? Yes, If They Produce Raw Milk in MN"
”... the reporting of the Minneapolis Star Tribune about three illnesses attributed to raw milk from the Hartmann Dairy Farm takes the anti-raw-milk fear mongering to a new level of insidiousness. ... Fortunately, lots of people now see through such questionable media tactics ...”
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