Raw Milk: The Whole Truth - LILIPOH Review 17 y
DVD Review of "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" plus "The Surprising Story of Milk Through the Ages"!
Chef Jemichel has produced a DVD entitled Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction (now ”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth”) showing an informative conversation between Chiropractor Dale Jacobson and Mark McAfee, the owner of Organic Pastures Dairy in California. This low-cost resource tells us all about the value of whole, raw and non-homogenized milk and clabbered dairy products, and the harm caused by pasteurization and homogenization. Dale tells how his patients consistently heal from asthma, allergies, digestive disorders and other health problems, by bringing this traditional food back into the ... read more
California Assembly Ag and Health Committees Pass SB 201 Unanimously 17 y
Update from CREMA (The California Real Milk Association)
on "The Fresh Milk Act of 2008" in California.
Update from CREMA: The California Real Milk Association
"Thanks in large part to your calls for support, The Fresh Milk Act of 2008 achieved resounding success in two Assembly committee hearin... read more
California SB 201 passes key committees with all “yes” votes! 17 y
Update from Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures dairy regarding California Senate Bill for "The Fresh Raw Milk Act of 2008".
From Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures dairy:
"Breaking News
SB 201 passes key committees with all “yes” votes!
Group Celebrating SB 201 - The Fresh Raw Milk Act of 2008 - passe... read more
DVD - "... resolved all of my concerns so thoroughly ..." 17 y
Testimony re: "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVD
About two weeks ago I gifted the raw milk DVD to a lady in San Diego who is writing her thesis on women's intuition. After viewing it she wrote: "I really enjoyed it! In fact, it resolved all of m... read more
Raw Milk and SB 201 - YouTube Video 17 y
Information about California senate bill 201 and how it affects consumer choice
An excellent video (link below) that includes excerpts from the April 15th, 2008 raw milk hearings in Sacramento, California.
"... Here are very knowledgeable experts testifying to the ABSOLUTE ... read more
"World Class Raw Milk for California" 17 y
California Senate Bill #201 Comes to Life
"June 9, 2008
Senate Bill #201 Comes to Life
Senator Dean Florez said it best when he held hearings on Farm Fresh Milk in April of this year. He said we want "World Class Raw Milk for Calif... read more
Biodynamic Community Clinic 17 y
Biodynamic Community Clinic
Started this new blog a couple weeks ago. It mentions that I got shipment today of a case of raw butter, raw cream and kombucha from Organic Pastures Dairy.
http://bdhomeclinic.ning.com/profiles... read more
Free DVD to The First Respondent 17 y
Free offer of "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVD.
I am offering a free DVD of "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" to the first respondent (who doesn't already have a copy). I will make this offer at several other locations as well and will post the result... read more
Upgraded DVDs Are Now Available! 17 y
Get the upgraded DVD: "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth"
Get the upgraded "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVD while you can.
If you want to know "the whole truth" about raw milk (or know someone whom you think may benefit by knowing) then get this DVD. Th... read more
Real Hope in the Family of Origin 17 y
First-hand observations of new understandings within the family of origin.
I have real hope for positive change in my family of origin!
My mother is beginning to see the light of truth regarding real whole milk!
My father is beginning to enjoy whole raw milk at a time w... read more
Skip Grocery Stores & Get Food Off The Grid! 17 y
Article in "The Oregonian" on how one gal reduced her food expenses for her family of four.
"Consumer skips grocery store to get food off the grid
Monique Dupre buys direct fr... read more
Report of the April 15th Senate Hearing 17 y
The Organic Pastures Dairy report on the April 15th Senate Hearing event in Sacramento, California
Thanks to Mark McAfee, founder of Organic Pastures Dairy!
April 18, 2008
California to Lead in Raw Milk Safety Program
Claraval... read more
The April 15th Raw Milk Rally in Sacramento, California 17 y
Link to the flier for the Raw Milk Rally in Sacramento, California
I won't be making this event however it will be taped! I now would like to ask Mark McAfee (of Organic Pastures Dairy) if there will be any strea... read more
Reply to Dr. Mercola's article on raw milk 17 y
Posted a reply to Dr. Mercola's article on Organic Pasture workers getting harassed by federal agents.
Chef Jem
Executive Producer:
"The Raw Milk Controversy: Fac... read more
The "Milk Problem" 17 y
"An historical, scientific, and practical essay on milk as an article of human sustenance; with a consideration of the effects consequent upon the present unnatural methods of producing it for the supply of large cities." By Robert M. Hartley
It's too easy to point to "the milk problem" and then condemn all milk!
When you can consider the whole history of milk, then it has only been recently that there has been a "milk problem"; star... read more
Expanding This Campaign! 17 y
Expanding the availability of "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" AKA "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth", Chef Jem
I called Organic Pastures Dairy and they said they hope to have raw butter available next week.
The "Real Milk" site
also lists a source for raw goat's butter, however t... read more
Attend the Biggest Raw Milk Event in History! 17 y
Joint hearings on raw milk in California.
From Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy (The largest commercial all raw dairy in the u. s. of A):
"Prepare to attend the Biggest Raw Milk Event in History:
Assuring Safety... read more
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