"More Dairies Go Raw As Consumers Learn The Benefits of Unpasteurized Milk" 17 y
A positive raw milk raw dairy article at mercola.com
A very positive article from the Boston Globe along with (22) Community Comments:
Find this article on the following page:
Here's the comm... read more
A Must See! 17 y
A "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" DVD review.
A Must See!
March 12th, 2008
"My taste buds know that raw milk tastes better. My brain knows that raw milk is safer (I have read statistics showing that pasteuri... read more
"Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVD 17 y
The "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" DVD is now available!
January 30, 2019 - If You Have Heard The Conversation ...
... between Mark McAfee and Dale Jacobson on the ”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” DVD you may recall Dale saying something about playing Beethoven to the cows to produce higher quality milk. That might sound ”funny” however I just discovered the following indicating that there may actually be some kind of truth to this:
“At the ashram we play Swamiji’s recordings to the cows to make our milk sweet and plentiful.”[1]
July 30, 2010 Update:
DVD Now Available In A Full Color Photo Cover!
”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” ... read more
For Kefir'nauts 17 y
Discovered a list for kefir making.
I love Kefir!
It was one of my first raw-food drinks when I first moved to California early in 1978 from the Windy City. I remember Alta Dena fruit flavored kefir and how easily I could drink a full quart of that in one standing! That would be a complete meal for me. Kefir is often a late lunch for me nowadays that I make my own and usually have nothing added. I have so grown to deeply enjoy the full-bodied flavor of kefir itself that I never think of adding fruit to it. However you can!
I just discovered this list and the first entry has the major links!
For Kefir’nauts
http: ... read more
"Two Raw Milks" continued 17 y
The facts of "the two raw milks" are beginning to come into main stream awareness.
”There are two raw milks in America, one for ’people’ and one for the ’pasteurizer’.”
Mark McAfee in ”The 15 Things that Pasteurization Kills”
The facts of ”the two raw milks” are are beginning to come into main stream awareness. I believe this will positively fuel the movement towards more local, raw, grass-fed small dairies!
”... This distinction -- between raw milk that’s destined for pasteurization and raw milk from a small, spotlessly clean dairy that’s kept to higher standards precisely because the milk won’t be pasteurized -- is a crucial one, and it’s lost on public health o ... read more
Four Video Clips of: "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" now at YouTube! 17 y
Update regarding Internet video clips of:
"The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction"
Uploaded a fourth video clip at YouTube. All four clips are displayed as icons in a row at:
In the row of 4 icons the 4th is part 1, t... read more
More at edwardgoldsmith.com 17 y
Food hygiene articles published by Edward Goldsmith/edwardgoldsmith.com
More on Goldsmith:
Food hygiene:
2003-12-00 Are small food producers responsible for the food poisoning epidemic? - this talk was broadcast at var... read more
Edward Goldsmith - "The Ecologist" Founder 17 y
Microbial protection against pathogens is virtually eliminated "following the pasteurization of milk".
Just discovered this in my current search re Pasteur & pasteurization history.
”Another serious consideration is that our indigenous microbiota protect us in different ways against potential pathogens. Thus, the elimination of the natural microbiota following the pasteurization of milk creates a sterile and hence a highly hygienic medium that could not be more vulnerable to colonization by a potential pathogen. Raw milk on the other hand harbors a large number of different micro-organisms providing only a small niche for the potential pathogenic invader to occupy, as do the various ecos ... read more
"Straight from the Cow" 17 y
Reply to an article on raw milk published in Colorado paper.
My folks sent me an article: "Straight from the Cow" that inspired me to reply at the publisher's site.
At http://www.gazette.com/articles/milk_26062___article.html/raw_colorado.html
I wrote:
"I... read more
10' video clips of "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction"! 17 y
Newly uploaded ten-minute video clips of "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction"!
Uploaded a new ten-minute video clip of "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" at YouTube:
and at the Archive:
archive.org/details/RawMi... read more
A Virtual Library of Raw Milk Videos 17 y
A site hosting a virtual library of raw milk videos.
Just discovered this site hosting a virtual library of raw milk videos:
read more
It's The Dairy Farmers Who Are Really The Heart Of All Of This! 17 y
Thinking about the raw diary farmer.
Raw Milk is the issue of this Blog, however it is the dairy farmers who are really the heart of all of this!
Whether one buys their milk from a market or direct from the source, milk, for the mo... read more
DVD Makes "This Whole Issue Easier to Understand" 17 y
Comment on "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact and Fiction" DVD
DVD Makes "This Whole Issue Easier to Understand" 02/12/2008
"Just got the video and already we've put it to work with our farm helpers. We had a new guy here last week and when he saw the raw m... read more
"The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" DVD
(AKA "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth") is upgraded & now available! 17 y
Now available: Upgraded DVDs of "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" (AKA "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth").
I now have upgraded and guaranteed higher quality DVDs available!
I'm also seeking someone to proof-edit a transcript of the first hour's program.
Chef Jem
Executive Producer:
... read more
"The Two Raw Milks" 17 y
Fresh Raw Milk Inspiration for Local Milk - Food Security
"The Two Raw Milks"
I found this particular web page from my search: "two raw milks" after hearing the phrase from Mark McAfee.
(I would love to have my own d... read more
[video/audio embedded] AFTER AB 1604: Where Raw Milk Stands Right Now 17 y
Update re California's raw milk legal situation.
AFTER AB 1604: Where Raw Milk stands right now.
Hearings made for grand theater,
but here's what played out behind the scenes...
Watch an Inspiring Interview with Mark McAfee recapping the H... read more
From "Care Packages of Raw Milk" to "Empowering the Raw Milk Movement" 17 y
Raw milk and cultured products as my medicine. Getting the raw milk message out to the public.
What a blessing it has been for me to be given whole raw milk that has been produced at a couple local sources! Two days ago one of my beloved farmer gals came over with a care package that include... read more