CLA - (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) - An Anti-Diabetic Milk Fat 13 y
"Health Benefits of Raw Milk" - Submitted by Dr.K.Research at the Daily Paul Liberty Forum
”One key fat in milk is conjugated linoleic acid. Virtually miraculous in its power this polyunsaturated fat raises metabolic rate, aids in the removal of abdominal fat, while boosting muscle growth. Thus, it is no surprise that this fatty acid reduces resistance to insulin; in other words, it is anti-diabetic.”
visit the page
Human Mother's Milk & "The Closest Thing" To It "in Nature" 13 y
Dr. Letitia Watrous - Naturopathic Doctor on Raw Goat's Milk; the Bifidus factor, Lactobacillus bifidus
”... goat’s milk--the only milk besides mother’s milk that any baby should be drinking, since it represents the closest thing to human mother’s milk in nature. Not only that, but RAW goat’s milk. ... Meanwhile, she outlined a ’sick baby diet’ substitute that would probably do well for any baby deprived of mother’s milk for whatever reason, although adapted to each baby according to it’s own intolerances or allergies.’”[3]
October 19, 2018 - Mother’s Milk -
“Some of the molecules and cells in human milk actively help infants stave off infection -
Doctors have long known tha ... read more
The Prevailing "Raw Milk" Truth! 13 y
"7 Recent Victories for Raw Milk Freedom Advocates"
Excellent article reporting on the recent victories in the food freedom movement with special focus on raw milk including:
Increasing Rallies To Defend Small Milk Farmers,
Sheriff Receives Award For Protecting Small Farm Clubs,
Harvard Raw Milk Debate,
Harvard Study Finds Pasteurized Milk Causes Cancer,
The CDC Is Caught Cherry Picking Data – and Lying,
Woman Cures Her Lyme With Raw Milk – Uncovers Old Medical Protocols Using Raw Milk,
Big Picture Victory: The Forbidden Nature of Raw Milk an more!
Update - August 11 ... read more
Government Agents Are Speaking A Different Language 13 y
Chef Jem reply to Mark-Edward's blog post at
for the new "Civics 101" on what is government (and what is it doing to my milk)?
Excellent advice regarding the words that are used in ”Codes”, etc. that are ”words of art”. Here is where ”make no assumptions about anything” can be a tremendous payoff! Although it may sound like conventional English, the truth is - Government agents are speaking a different language. Americans of every stripe and color need to know and understand that language! Our freedom literally depends on it!
Re: ”a wholesale reevaluation of who and what ’government’ really is” will make for an excellent class if you are up to teaching that! It will be the new ”Civics 101”. What is government? ... read more
"Government Stimulated Conscious Consumers To Buy Raw Milk" 13 y
Mark McAfee on the government "bias" as it is reflected in the statistics that are presented by the Center For Disease Control plus the "Freedom Riders" see an increased consumer demand for raw milk.
”The CDC has really done a public service to us all. By publishing extreme bias and miscalculated illness data on raw verses pasteurized milk ... again the government has stimulated conscious consumers to buy raw milk. Those that the CDC has attempted to scare off from raw clamber for it.”
Mark McAfee
Featured in ”Raw Milk: The Whole Truth”
And ”According to the Freedom Riders, FDA’s efforts to suppress raw milk distribution have resulted in inc ... read more
Raw Milk Debate of February 16, 2012 & Follow-ups 13 y
Harvard Food Law Society hosted a debate on the legal, nutritional, and safety aspects of raw milk.
First there was a most excellent presentation by Sally Fallon Morell! I’m looking forward to the possibility of getting the power point presentation that she had for this event! I think it was the best I’ve ever seen!
One commenter at YouTube said: ”The Detractors FAILED at responding to the evidence and points of the Proponents.”
Sally presented some very good evidence and made excellent points, none of which was ever refuted!
One item she presented was especially revealing regarding the following:
”... Dr. Harold Harris had published an article in the May 1945 issue of Coronet ... read more
Raw Milk & "The Very Source & Substance of American Freedom" 13 y
Why I care about the current raw milk issue!
I’m truly inspired with a vision while reading ”Are all bugs bad?” by Victoria Coulter!:
The problem with our relationship with the microbial world is that we do not know what we are - or, more specifically - what’s inside us (and in number of ways including what’s gotten into our heads)! It seems to be that if the truth takes three stages before it is finally accepted then I believe that third stage regarding the truth of raw milk must be terribly overdue by about five or six decades!
I had no idea at age 13 when I first was asked about ... read more
Raw Milk Debate With Sally Fallon Morell & David Gumpert 13 y
Harvard Law School Food Law Society Hosting a Raw Milk Debate on February 16th, 2012.
At one time, everyone drank raw milk. But with the invention of pasteurization and its alleged safety benefits, consumption of raw milk in this country almost completely disappeared. In fact, in some states it is illegal to sell raw milk. But a growing segment of the population is clamoring for increased access to raw milk, citing its nutritional benefits and recently discovered inbuilt safety mechanisms. Opponents are skeptical of such nutritional claims and believe the safety risks of unpasteurized milk are simply too high.
Join the Food Law Society as we present a debate covering the ... read more
"A Surplus of Forces ... Developed Into Healing Forces" 13 y
Quotes from a Steiner Lecture on Nutrition that includes milk & healing forces! Pediatrician Validates Raw Milk as Powerful Nutritional Therapy.
”I must stress that what I say about man is applicable only to him, since spiritual science does not consider man to be so closely connected with the animals as does natural science. Otherwise, one could simply state that the human organism is composed of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral substances, and consequently search for the best method to satisfy man’s nutritional needs of them. But spiritual science holds to the principle that every material occurrence, everything that takes place in the physical sense world, is only the external aspect of spiritual processes. Indeed, even ... read more
Pasteurization and The "Milk Problem" 13 y
Chef Jem replies to the notion that pasteurization corrected the "milk problem" of over a century ago & replies to a more current article supporting that same belief.
A viewer at my YouTube station:
”thousands of children died from raw milk at the first part of the last century, thus the pasteurization was created”
I replied:
Those incidents were consequential to the ”milk problem” of that time which was due to the compromised state of those particular ”swill” confinement dairy operations and many of the children who were sickened by that inferior milk were healed with the real milk from healthy cows fed their natural healthy diet of green pa ... read more
Equip Your Sheriff to Protect Your Food Rights 13 y
County Sheriff Project Conference in Vegas
Constitutional Rights activist, Sheriff Richard Mack is hosting a conference in Las Vegas to train local Sheriffs on defending their citizens’ privacy, civil and property rights. The raw milk issue will be featured prominently at the weekend long event.
What you Can Do
Invite your Sheriff to the County Sheriff Project Conference (
in Las Vegas, January 29-31. We recommend a personal visit to his office, and/or an email invitation. This event will prominently feature food and farm rights. Sheriff Mack, through his County Sheriff Project, is reaff ... read more
FDA's Secret War On Raw Milk Dairy Farmers 14 y
NaturalNews exclusive: FDA wages secret war on raw milk farmers using KGB-style spying and infiltration techniques; "Elkhart County sheriff intervenes against feds in raw milk case" & "Sheriff Brad Rogers: Uses Constitution To Protect Local Farmer"
”The laws of congress do not apply within the territorial limits of the states but have force only within the national government.”:
Supreme Court case law in Caha v. United States.
Updates as of December 22, 2011 -
“The arrogance of thinking federal law trumps everything flies in the face of the 10th Amendment,”:
”This is what the local food movement needs: more local and county sheriffs who know the Constitution and are willing to stand up for it!”:
Thursday, August ... read more
The "Fighting Spirit" of America in Wisconsin 14 y
"Farmer who persisted in raw milk ... is responding to 'criminal' charges" - for non-commercial traditional dairy farming! This Is Not Just About Raw Milk My Friends!!!
”Raw milk farmer Hershberger will face trial”:
Update-June 29, 2012 -
Posted this at;
”... the judge wrote in his decision. ’The court is aware of no such law.’” Imagine that the statement is one that the judge believes is true. Then consider the fact that the ”United States Code” recognizes what is known as the ”Organic Laws” AKA ”Organic Laws Of The United States”. There are four Organic Laws starting with the ”Declaration of Independence”. Surely the judge is aware of the D ... read more
"... To Defend Raw Milk!" How Can We Do That? 14 y
The Raw Milk Institute; "a politically engaged, research organization dedicated to the protection of raw milk", a "... Raw Milk Recall - Unfounded"! and one Americans strategy re: animal ID.
Protect Your Raw Milk
Join Raw Milk Institute
December 16, ’11 Update re:
CDFA Raw Milk Recall of November 21 -
Organic Pastures Dairy
Buy our ”Powered By Raw Milk” Long sleeve shirts! ONLY $30.00 and all proceeds go towards aiding the financial damage caused by the recall. (Estimated financial damage caused is greater than $500,000.00)[1]
Was the ”hit” Organic Pastures took because they have been strictly following the regulations from the state regulators?h
”Access to raw milk across North America is volatile.”
(And possibly more volatile if the dairy is licensed by the St ... read more
Urgent Raw Milk Action Alert 14 y
Mobilizing Against Governmental Interference With Property Ownership Rights and Food Freedom
On Wednesday, September 28, 2010, the Ontario government won its appeal against Biodynamic farmer, Michael Schmidt. The appeal reversed the former ruling, which confirmed cow share members’ right to obtain raw milk products. Justice Peter Tetley rejected Schmidt’s argument that providing raw milk to cow share owners who are aware of any health risks was his legal right.
Schmidt has been fighting for the right to provide raw milk at his Grey County farm ever since it was raided by government officials in 1994. The recent ruling convicts Michael on 15 of 19 and reverses last y ... read more
Your Help Is Needed With This Effort 14 y
The National "Complaint Against The Judge" Fax Campaign
Hello Raw Milk Supporter,
We desperately need your help with this effort!
We are launching a NATIONAL ”COMPLAINT AGAINST THE JUDGE” FAX CAMPAIGN against the reckless ruling that just came out of the Wisconsin court system, .....where the court ruled that a cow owner has NOT Right to drink the milk from their own cow. This was a reckless use of the judiciary and requires us as Americans to rise to the occasion. Most of the complaint is filled out for you. All you have to do if sign it and fax it. Please invest a few minutes out of your life to helping us with this effort. All th ... read more
Milk And Freedom In America! 14 y
Chef Jem comments at The Complete Patient
”... We must learn the ways of liberty and freedom. We must accustom ourselves and our society to liberty and freedom.”
My comment:
I appreciate the comment by Mr. J. Ingvar Odegaard: ”If we do not govern ourselves, free of the tyranny engulfing us, we will be smothered and broken in an avalanche of law. We must learn the ways of liberty and freedom. We must accustom ourselves and our society to liberty and freedom. We only, now, have this or that tyrant or would-be tyrant fighting over who controls us and we are asked to participate by blessing one or the other tyrant with our votes ... read more
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