Raw Milk: The Whole Truth
by chef jem
Page 17 of 18

Micro-dairies: Small Farmers Fight Back   8 y  
“... milk as it should be, and as it was before industry began to tamper with it.”
October 4, 2020 -A Directory - Originally ”founded as American Micro-Dairies” this non-profit is now known as the ”Alternative Dairy Initiative” and has a directory: https://alternativedairy.org/dairy-directory.html - *** March 11, 2016 - Even though these are not necessarily all-raw dairies there are some that do not homogenize their milk and that actually does offer quiet a substantial advantage over the typical homogenized milk products from the commercial big dairy operations. I would recommend culturing this milk unless those who drink it have absolutely no digestive issue ...   read more

Cows Are Ruminants and Were Designed To Eat Grass.   8 y  
Why organic milk may still not be good enough for individuals with food sensitivity.
July 7, 2019 - Do We Need A Thought Correction About Cows? - This blog-writer just stumbled upon an inspirational presentation made by William Dempster Hoard - a man considered to be the father of the dairy industry in Wisconsin (you know: ”The Diary State”!) which came as a result of a search for ”the people parish for lack of knowledge”, a phrase that came to mind while writing a comment at: ”Got Broken Brain?” Hoard’s presentation evoked a further inspiration to search for his natal chart (to see what may have been in Virgo when he was born) and then to generate the man’s Human Desig ...   read more

Beta-Casein and Β-casomorphins-7   8 y  
There is some trace amounts of casein in butter, however I do not know whether that is all butter.
Often it is my friends who ”inspire” my research and especially if the subject matter has something to do with health, well-being and/or healing. This afternoon a friend mentioned they would be avoiding butter to see whether that made a positive difference for them as they suspected they may have some kind of food sensitivity to casein. Does butter have casein? Dr. Tom Cowan is my first reference in my present research on the subject of casein.: ”...I was asked to consider writing the foreword to a book called Devil in the Milk, written by agribusiness professor and farm-management c ...   read more

Raw Milk Is a Universal Human Food - Including in Canada!   8 y  
Video of Mark McAfee Speaking at the 2016 Guelph Raw Milk Symposium
”... It’s the first food of life.” It just needs to be produced in a safe environment. - Mark McAfee Mark is founder of The Raw Milk Institute.[14] He recently spoke at the 2016 Guelph Raw Milk Symposium[1] told his audience that he and his associates have just one single focus: safety.[2] They have no position on legality. I posted a comment to this video of Mark McAfee speaking at the 2016 Guelph Raw Milk Symposium I can’t help but wonder what Mark’s rate of speech is. I think it should be measured however that would require a transcript! One thing for certain it has steadily in ...   read more

Kumis   8 y  
During fermentation, the lactose in mare's milk is converted into lactic acid, ethanol and carbon dioxide, and the milk becomes an accessible source of nutrition for people who are lactose intolerant.
Kumis is a dairy product similar to kefir, but is produced from a liquid starter culture, in contrast to the solid kefir ”grains”. Because mare’s milk contains more sugars than cow’s or goat’s milk, when fermented, kumis has a higher, though still mild, alcohol content compared to kefir. I am reasonably confident that I would enjoy kumis. I have a friend who boards horses. I’d like to ask her if she has ever milked a mare. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumis ***********^*********** Keywords: milk fermentation, lactose, mare’s milk, lactic acid, nutrition lactose intolerant, dair ...   read more

Weston A. Price Foundation & A Campaign for Real Milk   9 y  
Real/Raw milk is available in forty-one out of fifty states!
”Nature’s perfect food is becoming more and more available, thanks to booming consumer demand. When we founded A Campaign for Real Milk, raw milk was available for sale to humans or pets, or through cow-shares and herd shares, in only twenty-seven states. Now it is available in forty-one out of fifty states! We had thirty-seven sources of raw milk listed at realmilk.com in 1999; today there are over two thousand, and that is only a partial list as many farms do not want to be included. We will continue to support efforts to legalize raw milk in the remaining nine states-indeed, we won’t ...   read more

Serendipity   9 y  
My "jury" is out on this one.
An interesting sequence. ”First” I attempted to renew my membership at the Weston A. Price Foundation site. (That failed to take for some unknown reason.) The two hours later I opened an email from LinkedIn regarding an invitation I sent and that had been accepted by Elizabeth Rich. I then acknowledged her in an email after linking to her other LinkedIn page where I saw her affiliation with the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. The very next item in my Inbox was the November Newsletter of the Chicago Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.[1] The third topic in their newsletter is: ” ...   read more

2020 (& 2015) International Raw Milk Symposium   9 y  
Raw milk, raw dairy truth is now international!
November 11, 2020 - ”The 17th International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) Symposium was held on October 13-16, 2020. ... This year’s conference focused on health impacts of milk, with particular focus on immune health, gut microbiome, and breastfeeding in relation to COVID-19. ...”[1] - *** October 26, 2015 - The nation’s leading raw dairy proponents are presenting a full day of lectures at next month’s International Raw Milk Symposium. The event is available on livestream. International Raw Milk Symposium 2015 to be held at Wise Traditions Conference in Anaheim Raw Mi ...   read more

Raw Grass-Fed Milk - Much Safer Than Pasteurized!   9 y  
The contrasts between "the two milks" from the "two kinds of dairy cows" at two very different kinds of farms.
October 23, 2018 - What Pasteurization Does To The Vitamins In Milk - By: Sally Fallon Morell - “Pasteurization of milk ensures safety for human consumption by reducing the number of viable pathogenic bacteria.” So begins an article published in the Journal of Food Protection, published in 2011. What Pasteurization Does To The Vitamins In Milk - According to the study authors, one argument against pasteurization is its association “with destruction of selected vitamins present in raw milk.” This statement is not completely accurate, and we will return to it in a moment. Nonetheless ...   read more

Lactose Tolerance Test with Breath Hydrogen Determination?   9 y  
Don't automatically believe government-supported research findings regarding "lactose intolerance".
October 20 2020 - Surveys About Raw Milk and Lactose Intolerance - ”... There have been several raw milk surveys which collected data about lactose intolerance. In a 2007 survey of Michigan raw milk drinkers, 155 people participating in the survey had been diagnosed with lactose intolerance by a healthcare professional. Out of these 155 people, 118 reported that they did not have lactose intolerance symptoms from consuming raw milk. Thus, 76% of the survey respondents who had been diagnosed with lactose intolerance were able to consume raw milk with no digestive issues. In a 2011 ...   read more

Raw Milk Cheese Article Published in Cultural Anthropology   9 y  
Post-pasteurian Cultures: The Microbiopolitcis of Raw-Milk Cheese in the United States.
Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 23, Issue 1, 15-47. By Heather Paxson ”Brillant analysis of ’post-Pasteurian’ thinking ...”[1] Cited in: ”Anthropology 9221A - Department of Anthropology”[2] as: Paxson , H. 2008. “Post-Pasteurian cultures: The micropolitics of raw milk cheese in the United States.” Cultural Anthropology 23 (1):15-47. Also cited: ”Reading lists to explore independently” - Lib.convdocs.org[3] From the article: ”All cheese producers face restrictions on getting raw-milk cheese to U.S. markets. By U.S. law (21CFR133.182), cheese made from raw milk must be aged a ...   read more

Creme de la Creme   9 y  
The potential that farmers and chefs have to be at the "front line of well-being"
I have tremendous gratitude for all the many blessings that I’ve received from real milk (aka raw milk) over the last thirty-seven years (and continuing) as well as the many ways and forms that these blessings have come! These blessings have grown all the more blessed over the years since my introduction to Sally Fallon and the Weston A. Price Foundation in 1999. That most fortunate introduction led to my becoming one of the very first local chapter leaders on the planet through which these blessings have all the more multiplied many times over. This very blog (with over half a million vie ...   read more

All Milk is Not Created Equal   9 y  
Sound reasons to question the necessity of pasteurization.
Why do people think that pasteurized milk is the only kind of milk to buy? The following featured article (published in the current May newsletter of the Weston A. Price foundation’s Chicago Chapter) offers food for thought. When you think about purchasing cow’s milk, there’s two key question you need to ask yourself: * What is life like for the cow that produced this milk? * What happened from the time this milk left the cow’s udder to its arrival in my house? When it comes to question number one, the word that should be buzzing in your head is GRASS!!! Real cows eat green grass ...   read more

A Raw Milk Future   9 y  
".. the pol(iticain)s are learning that supporting food freedom issues can actually win them votes. "
My comment (about 60 seconds ago) at David Gumpert’s ”The Complete Patient” site: Thank You David! In light of the history of New York with it’s ”pioneering” of pasteurization what you present here is really especially good news! It appears that we have the ”young people” to thank. Well then thank you every one of you young people! You make my heart sing (almost operatic)!   read more

Cheers to Fresh, Wholesome, High-Quality Farm Milk!   9 y  
The Raw Milk Institute's Report
The raw milk ”movement” now has the support it needs for obtaining the highest standards in the production and handling of (what I like to refer to as) farm fresh milk. Many many thanks to Mark McAfee[1] along with the whole McAfee family and all the very good people at Organic Pastures Dairy[2] in Fresno, California for the monumental contributions that have been made toward raw milk freedom! Following is the report from the Raw Milk Institute: RAWMI ... The RAWMI team has been very busy lately; we have many raw milk producers in the listing ”pipeline,” with a few in the last stag ...   read more

Drinking Farm Milk Reduced the Risk of Respiratory Infection   10 y  
"New study proves raw milk protects children from respiratory infections, fever, and inflammation of the middle ear!"
Raw milk whole truth might still be ignored, rejected, suppressed or worse - however it will not be eliminated! ”A large European study led by Professor Erika von Mutius reports that fresh, non-pasteurized cow’s milk actually protects children from respiratory infections, fever and inflammation of the middle ear.” http://news.therawfoodworld.com/new-raw-milk-study-proves-raw-milk-protects-children-respiratory-infections-febrile-illnes-inflammation-middle-ear/ “Among children who were fed fresh, unprocessed cow’s milk, the incidence of head colds and other respiratory infections, ...   read more

Real Milk Is A Sacred Food   10 y  
"Fast foods" will eventually slow you down. (Maybe sooner than you think.) "Slow foods" will keep you going strong!
”... the love of money is a root of all evils ...”(1) If you recognize the truth of this verse then it may help you toward understanding the inherent ”evil” that is systemic throughout the food processing industrial system. Here is just one example of this: “The largest milk poisoning in American history occurred in 1985 where more than 5,000 people across three states were sickened after a ‘pasteurization failure’ at an Illinois bottling plant”.: http://www.healthbeyondhype.com/info/dirty-secrets-of-the-food-processing-industry The resolution is to return to a more direct relat ...   read more

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The people’s food sovereignty with all raw milk lovers in mind, both in the present and those to come! Additional topics include raw milk: the first ”food-as-medicine” plus every additional raw dairy food.… more...

Last Activity: 11 mon ago
310 Messages   Last message 11 mon ago
25 Comments   Last comment 11 mon ago

viewed 2,835,471 times
Created: 16 y   Jan 09 2008


Comments (10 of 25):
Re: Raw Grass-Fed … Advoc… 9 y
Re: Milk Contains … kermi… 10 y
slippery elm is a … #1545… 11 y
Re: "Raw Farm Milk… Betty… 11 y
Re: "The Court of … kermi… 11 y
Re: "The Jury Has … refre… 11 y
Re: Hello Again! kerminat… 11 y
Re: Legal Charges … Mixol… 11 y
Re: Legal Charges … kermi… 11 y
Re: "Raw Milk: The… refre… 12 y
All Comments (25)

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Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doct…  11 mon  (424)
The ’Creme de la Creme’ by Ch…  3 mon  (104)
Cheeta: Cultivate Healing Env…  22 mon  (65)
My Enchanted Garden Onion  6 mon  (50)
Psyche & Health  24 mon  (43)
The U-n-I-Verse  4 y  (34)
The Whey, The Truth and The L…  5 y  (27)
Evolving Nutritional Awarenes…  7 y  (20)
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