Re: The Devil
I agree there is no boogey-man ... no little impish, quixotic feller with a red body suit, a spade beard, horns and a spiked tail ... grinning mischieviously and carrying a trident.
No, I do not believe in the "devil" as most of the world "imagines/sees" the devil.
But I do believe there is an evil spirit ... formerly known as Lucifer ... and he is beautiful. (And, as we all know, beauty can be deceiving!)
The name Lucifer means "morning star" or "bright shining star of the dawn."
He is also called "the anointed cherub that covereth."
Lucifer/Satan is brilliant ... a brilliant manipulator. He has also painted himself as "that evil boogey-man" and, unfortunately, millions believe they would recognize him (and his antics) instantly.
Not realizing/understanding that instead he will come to them as an "angel of light" in whom they'll believe!
This spiritual character is a MASTER at deception.