Re: why jesus remains hidden
Hello Mama Crow, welcome back.
The kingdom of God is not words, it is LOVE (sentiment and lifestyle). There are no words that can express Godliness. There is no trusting faith that makes a person Godly, no actions, behavior, gestures, rituals, incantations, commands, or avoidance of sin that can make a person Godly, only the state of mind (love for your fellow human being and where we all came from) of each of us (SELF) will determine whether we are truly Godly and Christian. By speaking in parables (allegory), Jesus was preserving Godliness for what it is,...a movement of the heart (mind, attitudes, conscience/SELF/soul) and lifestyle/spirit/character (be imitators of "I am who I am", INTEGRAL as He is integral and scripture is also integral). There are no words, text, formulas, or regimentation (rigor of devotion, Colossians 2:18) that will make a person Godly, it is completely of the heart. As with the Pharisees, the people who base their devotion on "rigor" and words, deeds/gestures, rituals, ceremonial "worthiness" and scriptural text (as though it's a "roadmap to God" and provides directions or formulas for Godliness) are deluding themselves (the "strong delusion" of 2 Thessalonians 2).
Jesus was already revealed when The Father sent Him to earth 2000 years ago. He will return to remove His own before the worst happens because no "revival" will change the governments or humanity to establish peace.
In Isaiah 29:13, God is speaking of the people who worship Him with words ("their lips"). He says their heart is far from Him and that they learn to FEAR Him (they are God FEARING people) because they are taught that as a "command of MEN" (not God),...and they feel comfortable doing that.
Choose today whom you shall serve (God or MAN).
All verses are from the RSV.
The Father has been called Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim, etc. in times past in different situations, but His name forever is "I am who I am" (He sent His Son to purify our souls).