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Re: nde
boldyloxx Views: 3,920
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 963,270

Re: nde

Dear Oakfords,

I want you to know that I read your experience on another website outside of Curezone a few months ago and it really made an impression on me.

It is so good to meet you over at Curezone!

The angelic guide you mentioned sounds just exactly like the Angel that a Christian Reiki Angel channeler woman painted for me-- the same colors of light you described (blue, green, yellowish white light near the head) were also on this angel as well, and when I had read your experience, it gave me goosebumps! The painting shows no detailed features-- it is a watercolor of a blurryish light figure of a tall angelic being. This was my guardian angel that she visualized while meditating/praying.

Green was on the right side of his garment, Blue in the middle, and purple on the right.

Confirms to me more than ever that colors have vibrational energy properties that are created more than just to look pretty. They have healing properties also.

Yellow was added also.

Since reading your experience, I pray for our Earth more often now and find myself calling the Earth , Gaia! I am , Lord Willing, going to go for my first Reiki Attunements soon so that eventually I can also do Reiki practice for the Earth, animals, and others.
God bless you and Rudenski for sharing your experiences online- I got alot of positive benefit from it!


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