I do not have any stock in the DMR (the one who makes DiamondCrown) company, make no money off it, but through my research, I still stand firm, in reference to DiamondCrown "I understand it to be of the strongest and longest lasting of filling materials on the market" Most people who contact me request it by name; I never mention the brand unless people ask.
If you really want to know who I am, pick up the phone and call: (858) 279-5072. I have not worked much in the last few years and do not make a living off Dental.
None of the forum owners allow people to argue and make accusations. They generally will delete your post if you do that. The information they give is there to take if you like or leave it if you don't like it.
The conflicting interests do have a place on Curezone, but it is in the debate forums.