Has anyone tried or reviewed Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (http://phaelosopher.wordpress.com/2007/09/09/no-miracle-just-wonderful-chemistry/)? It uses chlorine dioxide to do its work.
I've been using Lugol's solution of Iodine for several months now. I was taking 50M+ each day. I was hoping to clear up a lifelong sinus problem. I probably did not diagnose my situation correctly. I was trying for Candida or maybe Lyme or some other microbe. I already tried parasite purges. Nothing has worked.
This Miracle-Mineral-Supplement seems to have helped considerably. I'll reserve my opinion for a few weeks though. Things have tendency to hide in me only to resurface later. Apparently, you have to keep using Miracle-Mineral-Supplement at a maintenance level forever. Anyway, I'm happy that it is working so far. I've only done it for 5 days (at 8 drops).