Re: my story: here's my experience
so that Ive said what I was dying to scream let me tell u a bit about my story...
Actualy Im just stepping out of my therapist office and we talked about my life in general this morning, its funy how facts can sound so technical and simple when in reality its all so complicated!
I could say: I am french, have been boulimic for years and now labeled as depressive! Im a flight attendant and being told I am beautiful every day
somebody reading those line can imagine what my life may b like...but will that b my reality??
It is very hard not to feel understood and not to be able to say myself what the heck is wrong! Im so tired of binging and purging . I find it amazing to think that u could be living next door to me...we could cross path in the street, never knowing that we are going through the same hell!!! As much as I am wanting connection with people around me I have become so antisociable lately!
But Im about to start a programm in an ed clinic...8 weeks of group therapy. Ive been on a waiting lists for months...and now that Im about to have a spot I want to run away to a desert island and never b seen again!!!
Im sorry my mind is all over the place today
It is helpful to know other fantastic girls are going through similar hard time...but find it so sad at the same time...cos I know what it is...