Here's my question: I have read that Candida burrows into the intestinal lining and is layers deep also causing leaky gut. Killing the candida and digging it out of the intestinal walls is key but many of the things for leaky gut are "coatings" like marshmellow, slippery elm, licorice root. So, how can we both dig out the candida to kill it while coating over the intestinal lining to help the leaky gut? Seems like we would also be coating over the candida which is counter productive.
I've been taking l-glutamine for 10 months and notice no difference. Pretty discouraging, but I still take it. I've been taking lots of candida products for 2 years, everything you can imagine including Diflucan and Nyastatin, no difference.
I have recently made some progress with killing parasites so maybe now things will start to improve. I also just the past few days have tried licorice root tea and I had a bad candida reaction to THAT!!??? I just cannot tolerate ANYTHING sweet, not even Stevia.