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Re: Leaky Gut, the Ultimate Problem??? YES
mewmewkittenz Views: 35,658
Published: 18 y
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Re: Leaky Gut, the Ultimate Problem??? YES

Hi, Let me start off by saying that I have been battling with candida/leaky gut for a while now. But I started having the most progress AFTER I did a bowel cleanse. I was having some die-off when using the grapefruit seed extract and other antifungals. But I knew that they were not getting to the root of the problem. You see candida will grow under the mucoid plaque in your bowel- the anti fungals can't get to that part because of the rubbery-thick mucoid plaque caused from using pharmacedical drugs, bleached flour and other unhealthy foods/food additives. AFTER I used the Bowel Cleanse and passed around 20-25 FEET of mucoid plaque from my bowel, the die-off from using the very same dose of anti-candida herbs (barberry, neem leaf, olive leaf, and some uva ursi thrown in for good measure, Pau d'arco root bark [red lapacho]) gave me unbearable die off and I had to reduce dose! The MAJORITY of the candida is BELOW the mucoid plaque and without proper cleansing of the bowel, you will NEVER get ahead of the candida. If someone is saying that the diet is not important then ignore them completely. They are gonna have candida for the rest of their life. You need to COMPLETELY eliminate ALL grains from your diet. I have had candida for years.. It wasn't until this year when I started doing DRASTIC changes to my diet and after the Bowel Cleanse did I really start seeing results. I eat only meat and vegetables and have for the past 2 months and my mind is clearer and my energy level greater than ever before. You need to do a shake of psyllium husk for your fiber every day and I add in about a tablespoon of castor oil as well. Castor oil is absorbed by the psyllium husk and transported down into the colon and NOT absorbed by the colon. It can then kill the candida and the psyllium has a scrubbing action on the intestinal walls which will pull out the candida strands that are embedded into the intestinal lining. Castor oil is cheaper and more effective than Caproil for killing candida. It also relieves constipation! My bloating since I started doing this routine has completely disappeared. The dark circles and bagginess below my eyes has basically disappeared (indicating that the burden on my liver is minimized) I recommend xylitol sweetened lemonade every day. One big jar full of it is what I use. Xylitol (unlike stevia) tastes like sugar, is all natural and modifies yeast so that it cannot feed. It does not matter how strong and old the candida is- xylitol will starve it. I have been also using food grade H2o2 every day in my candida regimen drinking around 30 drops a day and also doing a mouthwash with it to kill candida in the mouth. H2o2 kills yeast on contact! It is making my tongue more pink than ever and it also has the side benefit of whitening your teeth. I am going to get a blood test done at a naturopath sometime in the next 2 months to check the level of anti-candida antibodies in my blood to see how it is coming along and then I will start on repairing my leaky gut with colostrum, l-glutamine, slippery elm and such. remember that unless you get rid of the mucoid plaque using a Bowel Cleanse method (I HIGHLY recommend the blessedherbs) the glutamine will never touch the wounded areas of the intestine and will not aid in healing them. It has to make contact with the leaky areas to work otherwise it won't do a damn thing.)

sorry about the long post.. but there is too much misinformation on here. make kefir and let it culture extra long to make sure the bacteria have eaten all the milk sugars in it and don't eat buckwheat of quinoa or ANY other grain ESPESCIALLY _RICE_!! if you are even remotely interested in getting rid of candida. I know its tough but thats the way it is!

ps. adding baking soda to water is an excellent way to get your ph leveled out and its cheap!


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