I came across this very useful article a few weeks ago and took the guy's advice. I have just started taking the products he recommended, so it's early days for me but I have read a lot around this and other articles have supported his claims to heal a leaky gut. Part of his article reads as follows -
Username 58970, titled-Help is on the way
"What everybody has to know that diet is not the answer.I will try to explain as clearly as I can.You can change your diet all you want but if you dont fix the problem you will not have success.Why do you think all your friends can eat and drink what ever they want.There insides are so strong that nothing penetrates it.people with health problems have leaky gut,but the problem is nobody knows the proper way to fix it.here is how you fix it take 75 mg of zinc carnosine 10 mg of biotin and 2000 to 10000 of msm and within one month your leaky gut will be cured and your exzema will be gone without changing your eating habits".
Hope this helps you, lots of luck and keep us posted with your progress