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Re: Leaky Gut, the Ultimate Problem??? YES
celticlassie Views: 31,741
Published: 13 y
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Re: Leaky Gut, the Ultimate Problem??? YES


Thanks for the advice on blessedherbs cleanse and ridding yourself the intestinal plague. I did a similar herbal cleanse for 10 days and my poo was dark green and the shape of my colon, all wiggly. It didn't stink or look like it was super toxic though- the dark color I think came from the massive amounts of herbs I was taking,but who knows. However, my number one and really ONLY digestive problem(I always have, whatever I eat, whatever diet I follow) got way worse- my belly was more bloated than ever-massively distended and though not painful, it was very uncomfortable and none of my pants fit! This could have been due to die off, but afterwards I didn't follow up with L-Glutamine or any other gut healing supplement ( didn't know about them then) so I didn't see any benefit. It was an expensive and painful process of eating very boring food (just veggies) for 10 days and my problem just seemed to get worse. Since then I've been diagnosed by my Natropath with Leaky Gut and a bunch of food sensitivities ( that I am making anti-bodies to). The bloating however, is there all the time, whatever I eat. I tried a starchy-carb free diet for a month and got depressed and super fatigued and hungry all the time, got dizzy and a feeling of being distant and out of synch with the world. I couldn't study well- my brain was missing glucose! I think it is really important for people to be cautioned about the dangers of a no carb diet ( just eating meat and veggies)- it was awful for me, and my belly bloated just as bad, for the whole month. So it didn't fix my problem, Also, I lots so much weight- I was down to 107 lbs, and at 5.6' this is way to light. I was cold all the time.

Anyway, I'm asking your advice about the cleanse- did your symptoms persist/get worse during the cleanse? If so, how long did it take for them to get better afterwards? Also what is H202?


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