Re: a few thoughts for you Kathryn
Hi Leah...And thanks for your post. We leave this morning to go back for round 2...
pardon the pun. :-) But she wanted me to come 2 days in a row so we're spending
the's just too far to drive 2 days in a row if we don't have to.
I do use
Sea Salt ...I'm previliged to have Owen as a personal advisor. PRAISE THE LORD!!! :-) And so I pretty much know WHAT to's just making these things
work for ME. :-/
I've read some on the iodine...but I'm leary of that...and I think most folks should
be. I take Synthroid for my I'm not going to experiment until I can
research more and we've just been too swamped this summer.
This Naturopathic doctor is so knowledgeable...and I think she's going to be able
to help me in many ways.....then our
juicing and all the other healthy things we
try to do will benefit me much more.
We were out junking with friends yesterday and I ran across a big thick book...
full of info from Dr Schultz and Sam Biser...haven't had time to devour it yet...
but that's going to hold volumns of good info. And it only cost me $3.99 in an old
junk store...I was just floored. The lady who checked me out said, "My dear, you
have no idea what you've just found." I said, "Oh yes I do!" :-)
Thanks for your post. kathryn