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Re: PTree...
kathryn101 Views: 4,346
Published: 18 y
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Re: PTree...

Oh my many little time. FIRST :-) I'm not going to be sold on anything I don't think I need. One good thing about going to her...I do
know quite a bit about natural I'm not worried about having the wool
pulled down over my eyes. I just don't know about colonics or much about enemas, etc. And I really want to see progress with this naturopathic doctor.

The colonoscopy doctor thought I may have a partial impaction from old bowel. (sorry, I know that sounds gross). But I've had this horrible constipation for 7 years. My family doctor says I have a spastic colon and that it crinkles up and that's why I have the flat movements with the raised ribbon line a lot.
He even gave me Xanax and had me take 1/2 pill for several days...and sure enough
when my bowels finally moved a was normal shape and size. So he 'says'
that proves it's only a spastic colon and that the Xanax even relaxed the colon.
Is that possible? I have no idea. But our family doctor is a close family I know he 'feels' he's telling me the truth...he would never mislead
me for his own benefit or to 'keep me coming to him', etc. He had me take the Xanax
to prove to me that it was only a spastic colon because he knew my husband and I
were worried about it.

Good movement??? It's probably been 2 weeks...but I get 2 or 3 quarter sized marbles every day or two. yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-/

With the Drnatura...I've done a little better...but nothing to brag about...and
for SURE nothing that would turn this around...or even come close.

I've done no enemas...I'd rather have someone that's trained do a colonic. And I
can't take Epsom Salts ...I have Mitral Valve and there are some things that react
to my Lanoxin and Epsom Salts is one of them.

I'm Hypo and take Synthroid. I have some of the symptoms...but not all. I'm a very
hyper, happy person...have never been depressed...but I do have the dry skin...brain
fog...cold hands and feet, etc.
The reason I felt the Synthroid caused all of this is because I've taken it for about 35 years...and it can't be good for the liver to take a med that long. And
you know yourself...when the liver is sluggish...the whole body goes to the devils
home town in a handbag...if you don't get it turned around.

I've had a Cat scan and Sigmond thing...did I say that? And extensive blood work that all came back good. But I have become obsessed with this problem. I constantly feel like I need to go...but just make no headway.

I'm 5' ... 125 pounds...and don't have a protuding tummy....but I do have 2 bulges...only slight...but they are there. One is in the liver area and small...
about the size of a lemon....
but the doctor says that's not my liver bulging...even though he says it's enlarged...but he thinks it's an impaction of old matter. :-/ The other bulge
is on the other side and higher up...probably in the small what am I
going to do about THAT...he also thinks THAT is an impaction from old matter.
This colonic won't reach I can only hope I'll find something that will help with that. I'm thinking if I can just clear out the colon...the rest will come.

Thanks for checking that website...I really appreciate it. And sorry for all these're super for taking the time to give me all this information...and
trying to set my mind at ease. Really...I'm not very worried that it's anything serious because I feel like a million dollars...except...I feel like a million dollars that really, really needs to go to the bathroom NOW! :-)

Thanks for everything...I'll let you know how it goes....kathryn
Heavens...I hope Dateline or someone doesn't get ahold of these posts...they're
liable to make this into a tv movie....if they do...I want Sally Field to play me...
she could probably handle this with humor. :-)



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