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kathryn101 Views: 4,282
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 915,369


Hi bcbutler...Thanks for your post. I'm really swamped this morning but trying to
watch my post to see what kinds of responses I get.

I've tried most of the better things out there...that the other poster mentioned...
and I evidently do have a partial I believe the colonic is what I need to do next.

I've studied natural healing long enough...and know enough...not to be ripped off.
I won't hesitate one minute to walk out of this naturopath's office if I feel she's leading me astray or not as knowledgeable as I think she should be. But
I found this particular others posting on curezone about her. So I really
have my hopes up. Plus, I've talked to her on the phone and she sounds very caring,
and even has a great sense of humor...very important to me. :-)

Do you try to stay on a special diet a day or two before your colonic? Can you give
me any advice that may help me be more successful right off the bat. Since we have
such a long drive...and I'll only be going about once a week...possibly twice...
I hope to make great progress at each visit.

And on the 'money' side of it. I've already spent a small fortune...with no no, I won't hesitate to pay $75 a visit for one split second. We can't
take our money 'with us' anyway. And if I don't get this problem lined out...I'm
afraid I'll be going a little sooner than I had hoped. :-)

Thanks for your post. kathryn


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