a few thoughts for you Kathryn
Hi Kathryn,
Your case sounds like a tricky one my dear!!
I think once you've got your colon moving &/or cleared with these colonics, you should try a liver cleanse, either one without the magnesium or with a magnesium you can tolerate - or use something to break up the stones - as in Chanca Piedra. Bile stimulates peristalsis, so if it ain't getting past those stones in your liver, its not gonna be able to help you out workin' those intestines!
You mentioned you drank a lot of water during the day, but this didnt help. Have a wee read of this
- I remember reading that without the proper amount of the right kind of salt (sea or himalayan), water goes straight through us without hydrating.
Something i've been reading up on a lot recently is iodine. I've been having problems with my bowels since i was badly constipated a number of years ago - but when I thought about it, its always been hard for me to eliminate - and reading up on thyroid symptoms (hypo in my case) constipation and dry skin & hair main complaints, as well as unwomanly hair ;) - came across iodine. Now the thyroid is pretty much one of the most important hormone makers in our bodies and if it doesn't have enough
Iodine it doesn't do its job right, but i'm sure you know that.
Check out the forum for
Iodine Supplementation and see what you think.
I bought
Lugol's Iodine recently (you must get the proper stuff, it can't be mixed with alcohol as this is poisonous) and tried one drop at first, had the most perfect BM 2 days running, it really seemed to help. Due to being in a hurry/out 2 weekends in a row, i haven't kept up with it, but will start again come Monday.
Happy colonics!!