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#71117 and PTree......
kathryn101 Views: 4,267
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 916,139

#71117 and PTree......

Hey you guys....I am so sorry I've caused this comotion between you two. I couldn't get back on yesterday because our internet server had some kind of problem
and they just got it fixed this afternoon.

I did type a post to you late yesterday, #71117...but once in a while...when I
hit submit...instead of posting, my post will just POOF..disappear into no telling
where. I often wonder where they DO go! :-) And I was posting to PTree when the internet server had the outage. So I didn't get to send that post either...and now
I can't remember what I said. :-)

I didn't realize the post to #71117 didn't post...until I was back on this afternoon. I had waited to send that particular one...because I thought the post
'from' #71117 sounded kind of negative...and I didn't want to sound negative back...
so I waited until our day settled down a think my words through...and then
the mishap. :-/

I appreciate ALL of the advice I've been given...but I especially wanted to hear from PTree and Valerie because they know colonics backwards and forwards. I DO know a lot of this stuff like the back of my hand...and I've tried LOTS of things...but
nothing is working. "I'm" thinking the partial blockage may be in the small intestine...but I just don't know. I'm at my wits I've decided to try the
naturopath...and colonics and go from there. It can't hurt. And the $75...that's
NOTHING...we've spent HUNDREDS trying to get to the bottom of my problem.

We'll know more Friday...everybody stay tuned! :-) kathryn



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