Hi again...#71117
I'll look into the Blessed Herbs...But I've just spent $120 to speed deliver
drnatura...and it just didn't do for me...what others said it did for them.
I don't know where that blockage is...but where ever it is it had better be
having a BonVoyage party...because it's about to become history. :-) One way or
the other!!!
I HAVE tried most of the major cleanses that were supposed to be so good. I even
took 3 TBSP of Castor Oil night before last and nothing!
And I've done one
Liver Flush without the
Epsom Salts ...had pretty good results...
no stones...but hundreds of little fatty yellowish balls about the size of a green
pea...and I really did feel great afterward. However...I DID wonder if the little
balls were just the result of taking the olive oil and all that lime juice...maybe
it made little balls like castor oil does when you pour a TBSP in a glass of OJ...
don't know. I'm not easily fooled...I'm a very suspicious person and I ask LOTS
of questions and then research myself.
You said you're 39...our oldest son is 39. So I'm glad you're turning your own
health around.
Thanks though for giving all of your time to try to help me. I'll post again
Friday night or early Saturday morning and let you all know how it went. My appointment is 9am Fri...but she said we'd be there about 2 hours...then we have a
3 hour drive home....and of course, there will be junk stores along the route home..
and I'll want to stop at some of them... :-) and then we have a family picnic at
6pm...so Friday will be pretty full.
Talk to you soon 71117...and thanks so much! kathryn