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Re: #71117
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Published: 18 y
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Re: #71117

If you will go back and read Kathryn's post, she has been advised to have a colonoscopy in order to determine the nature of the blockage. In order to do this test, the colon must be free of fecal matter. She is already experiencing chronic constipation and attempting to clear out her colon so that she can have the test. Most cleanses that remove mucoid plaque involve either high doses of fiber, high doses of magnesium (I question these for removing MP) &/or stimulant laxatives (not necessary, but in many formulas). As I already stated, I personally do not recommend that a person do a Colon Cleanse to remove MP until things are already moving on a regular basis. She is unable to use ES because of medications she is taking and she may not be able to use other magnesium preparations that would work as osmotic laxatives. Stimulant laxatives are contraindicated with spastic colon (and frankly, I do not advise them for anyone). And a high-fiber intake will only worsen the condition if a person is already constipated. She also indicated that she does not want to do enemas herself. Her goal, at this point, is to clear out her colon sufficiently to have the colonoscopy.

Liver Flushes and coffee enemas are fine, but it is one thing for toxins to be released and another thing for them to be eliminated from the body. If someone is chronically constipated, the toxins will be released from the liver...but will not have an outlet via the colon.

Again, the amount of water in an enema bag will not reach all the way to the cecum...while a colonic has the ability to do so. There is a place for both enemas and colonics...and if a person doesn't want to do enemas, but is willing to do colonics....that is their choice. Controlling the process is a matter of communicating with the colon hydrotherapist.

And to be clear, in my experience, colonics do NOT release much MP. For that purpose I suggest Holistic Horizons cleanse (my favorite) or p&b shakes. colonics or enemas can greatly assist this process while on one of these cleanses. Also, for the record, I am no longer performing colonics or selling any products so I have no personal vested interest in this.

I am the one that acknowledged your post because you replied to mine.


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