Re: Vinegar still bad, partial repost
why would you think that you were being harmed by the vinegar if you were also taking in malt which was probably produced usind more conventional methods than the acv was (if you are even taking apple cider vinegar because you reffered to it as vinegar most of the time). the starting point of the vinegar making, you said, was different while the rest of the process is the same... perhaps that is where the big difference in quality and results comes in. it is possible that acv since it's just apples pickled in water and their own juice for weeks, doesn't contain the same stuff you found on all your breads... because after a week bread forms mold anyway, i have yet to see any change in my acv from the day i bought it 3 months ago.
of course, with that said, everything in eccess is harmfull, even love. so one should not become dependant on anything just because it's working now. more people on here can testify on behalf of acv than those who have had no success with it (while following a diet no sugar, or eccessive amounts fermented or foods that mold easily). your argument was lost when you said you were also taking malt, because that gives room for the questioning of your entire candida battle plan.