Re: To Xena,
HI Deb!
The warning signs you didn't get may not have helped. I had them my entire life, but docs just treat them as individual symptoms, if they treat them at all.
Fall 2003 it reached the point where I had that all-overall muscle pain you described. By then couldn't learn/remember stuff well, either, and a host of other symptoms were there. Had more and more sick days from work- I think last year I used more than I had in my whole "career." By summer, I couldn't have worked at all. Since I'm a teacher, that is planned time without pay and used for grad courses (teachers never get to leave school..). Didn't find a doctor to treat it until July of 2004.
Sounds like your doctor is doing a whole host of approaches, WOW!
I'm only wondering about two things... what form of nystatin are you getting? What diet is your doctor having you follow? There are so many variations...
Isn't it amazing that if you had a bacterial infection instead of a fungal one, you would likely be believed? OH, they'd still make you go through all this to prove it, and it's not personal. They have to. It is astounding how many low-lifes out there mooch off the rest of us and work the system. They are the reason sick people have to go through the hoops to prove themselves.