Wow, the post from you could have been me 2 years ago. I was so bummed I almost did myself in, I mean really close. When I was at the bottom, someone who was a total stranger approched me at a bus stop. They asked me if I was okay and if they could help. I never had anyone care before and just started to cry and I couldn't stop. After an hour this guy was still there and caring about me. We had found a park near by and had a long talk. He prayed for me and asked me to a church he went to. I was scarred and sort of leary but I went and that was the beginning of a new life for me. I am off drugs, alcohol, even butts, and I am getting healthy. I made freinds who liked me for who I was and have not deserted me like some have in the past. Everything looks so different's like night and day. I have learned to like myself and like others, I feel good about who I am...I AM HAPPY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. The problem is all churches are not the same, look for one where they sing are happy, not the dule ones. I go to a Pentacostal Church and I love it and I love life. My skin is not perfect but about 90% better, I have a cute girl friend and I have a better job and am going to school nights...I have a future and a hope..I wish the same for you...go for it....Ask them for help and get will never be sorry.....Bo