Hi Ed- WOW that's a story! I'm really sorry and do understand because I too am completely obsessed with my skin and it makes me screwed up in the head so badly sometimes that people get anoyed hanging out with me because I base my entire day, afternoon, and evening on what my skin looks like. Have you ever tried Proactiv Solution. I really don't work for them- I swear. But when I was 17 I ordered it and used it until I was 22 because it saved me for years until I THINK I got Rosacea and it stopped working. Just try it if you haven't because you never know Ed. Actually I'm soooooooooo fed up myself with trying to figure out if I have Acne, Rosacea or BOTH that I am going to try it ONE MORE TIME! All I can say is - I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND YOUR OBSESSION BUT--- the main thing my friends tell me is people don't stop liking you if you have a pimple and if they do, think of what kind of person they must be! I know that sometimes it's not about everyone else- it's about feeling good about you. O.K.-This is my theory (because of Proactiv) Keep testing all the different products(not together and give them time) because SOMEWHERE SOMEONE is formulating the PERFECT product for YOUR skin. I really believe that- it has cost me a lot of time and money BUT I think it's out there and I haven't found it yet- Take Care and TRY PROACTIV- SERIOUSLY.