Re: My ACNE story
well, drug and alcohol can only exacerbate the
Acne must notice it gets worse after you drink...or take are only clogging up your system with more toxins, and causing more acne.
stopping that can only help your situation in everyway!
i notice that my
Acne gets much better when i am drinking a lot of water every day...for a while...fresh vegetable and fruit juices, juiced myself with a home juicer.
i don't understand how vitamin e can make it worse...unless it was just that you put too much oil on your skin and it trapped bacteria in your pores.
it sounds like you have body dysmorphic disorder, which i suffer from as well. i just have to make a decision everyday, that what my body looks like, or what i think it looks like, will not dominate my day and my thoughts. only i can do that for myself, as only you can for yourself. it is hard as hell and a lot of times i am not sucessful...but heck, there are people starving, people going to war, and i am worried about how i look?
channel that energy somewhere productive, and you are beautiful no matter what you look like.