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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Zoebess Views: 2,470
Published: 18 y
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Yeah, it is pretty different...not quite as out~there
at tin foil hats, but the first time I saw a Hulda
Clark zapper, one of my friends had one that was not
being used. I read about zappin' in Hulda Clark 's book
and then took up the hand-held copper posts and held them
for a treatment, I was hopeful all the anecdotal evidence
of the efficacy of these contraptions would someday include
my story.

Well, I realized early on, I would not be a person who
would sit still and hold these gizmos for 20 minutes
at a time since it meant using both your hands, each holding
one copper rod. That Don Croft modified the original design
and made a product easy to use making using this modality
something I could see myself using make all the difference
in my willingness to keep working with a zapper...

Herbs, tools, all the info in the world does no good if you
do not utilize it~~!

I had discovered Don online early on in his project and so
have one of his earliest zappers. I bought one of the
newer ones with an orgone accumulator...

Here is his Zapper Research Report which is very intriguing
and inspirational.

Don also modified his zapper by making it an orgone
accumulator inspired by Dr. Wilhelm Reich.

I have always been interested in energy medicine and that
also includes using sound, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy
as part of a comprehensive approach to maintaining help.

This last year, I began using one of my zappers on one
of our dogs. The dog was lethargic, would just lay around
and had little energy for much. He was a perfect candidate
for my own little experiment. After a few days of zapping,
he was a changed dog. He was up and exhibiting interest.
After a couple of weeks, he was coming to me nudging me
constantly, let me out, lets go for a walk~! He had been
an older dog and it seemed to give him a new lease on
life. He passed recently but had lived to be an *old*
dog for his breed, and in my mind, another testament to
the power of zapping~!

Recently, this year, I began doing the experimentation of
zapping over my liver prior to and during liver flushing.
When I do not do it, I do not see liver flukes, but when
I do, I see liver flukes in my flush results. It was a
wake-up call and so I made the decision to stop eating
sushi which is a major source of flukes and my biggest
risk factor. One piece of contaminated raw tuna can infest
your body with up to 25,000 flukes. I love ahi tuna but
like other products which are of late hard to justify the
risk, I "remember when" I used to indulge :)



The Master Cleanse Express



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