Re: Weston A. Price on Alkaline/Acid Balance
you must put it all into perspective. Primitive diets, whether they included primarily meats (land or sea) or not were almost always alkalizing as the growing conditions of the wild plants were mineral dense. In addition the animals ate a wild NATURAL alkalizing diet and thus were 100's of times better to eat (and most likely alkalizing) than anything domestic and most of whats wild these days given ubiquitous pollution. Times have changed since Price... they were changing when he traveled to study.
Remember too that the conditions an animal is born, bred, and raised in affects the alkalizing effect of the meat and some say its vibrational frequency for better or worse (read factory farm, sad, depressed mental state of animal).
This is the most compelling reason why I believe vegetarians have such a strong argument... meats, due to the bio-accumulation of environmental toxins, fed an unnatural diet, shot full of
Antibiotics , growth hormones and who knows what else, became the first target, and justifiably so, of an unhealthy diet.
If you eat meat, as I do, make it organic grass fed or natural feed free range, and at the very least, organic and hormone free.