Checkin In!!!!
Hello All,
Sorry I haven't had any time to check in lately, I have been super busy.
Just finished another seven day oj fast and am feeling very good and high at the moment.
So since I was here last I finished splitting and stacking that huge wood pile and I am ready for winter now. I have been spending massive amounts of time on my huge garden, tending and tilling. It has been a great summer.
Have really enjoyed the spice 4 life from MH, sorry to see that you feel I scammed you for some reason.
I have spent hundreds of dollars on your wonderful products and I don't feel that a dime of it was wasted at all.
I did my 108 day fast exactly as I stated, and was disappointed myself that my body wouldn't shed all the pounds that I thought the long fast would bring.
It also didn't cure all my problems either, so fasting is not a cure all for everyone. I can't explain why my body holds on to the weight like it does. I figured I would lose way over 35 pounds.
I do however feel like a new man compared to the way I felt before the fast, and I have tons more energy and endurance and strength than I ever had before.
I did what I did and am happy with the results and fasting will always be a part of my life.
I hope you all have a great end of summer and I will check back in as time allows.