Re: [gallstones] gallstones are formed in the liver
Apparently, Dr. Clark is willing to study and research in areas that most
other researchers dismiss without any study. I can't personally prove or
disprove her research, but both my wife and I have had from 50 to 500
Gallstones per flush for 4 flushes each so far. That is proof to me of
hundreds of
Gallstones needing removing. Keep us posted as to how your
experience relates to her conclusions which are based on 500+ flushes she
has supervised for her patients.
Similarly, from what I've heard reported by those who had their gallbladders
removed and did flushes, they get the same "gallstones" out in large numbers
without the gallbladders. This confirms her conclusion that is based on her
research that "gallstones" come from the liver. Autopsies and liver
surgeries are the only way to detect stones in the liver. For this reason
it's no surprise that everyone doesn't know a lot about the stones in the
liver. The people that know a lot about them are the people without
gallbladders that flush and get lots of stones. There's not a lot of those
people around either, but I've heard of a few without gallbladders who got
stones, but I've not heard of anyone without a gallbladder who tried
flushing and didn't get any stones. This supports
Hulda Clark 's conclusion
also. Most who don't have gallbladders don't flush. Without flushing they
don't know if they have stones or not.
Anyone without a gallbladder want to do some research?