Re: But thats the point he is making; a great service
Yes I applaud him too, he can't say anything (the truth), because the FDA, FTC, Food Industry are evil monsters. They could care less about us, they are only concerned about the money they are making, (only money).Today you can't speak the truth on just about anything, what has happened to freedom of speech? God has given us the natural remedies for our bodies to heal itself. They've been here all along. Do you think chemicals (drugs) heal our illnesses, ofcourse not they just cover up the symtoms, never curing us, just putting a blanket over the root of the problem and these drugs can have devastating affects on us as well, our bodies are more delicate on the inside than the out. Out of all the things the government has gotten their hands on how much of it has been for the good of the people, (not much at all) Our food is contaminated with pestisides, chemicals and our crops are sprayed with msg all are poisons and the FDA doesn't care, otherwise they would stop it right,? No money is more important. Our meat is zapped with radiation, another form poison because our cattle is being fed bad grains and dead animal carcasses. (Gee were does mad cow disease come from).Look what happened to Oprah when she spoke out against the beef industy, she was sued. The FDA and the food industry doesn't want us to know what is really going on and what they are really doing to us all.THEY DO NOT CARE. Why is it,there are so many more people sick today than ever before. Now back to Kevin and NATURAL CURES he truly, truly cannot speak out at this time because the FDA and the FTC absolutely will not let him, they do and have destroyed peoples lives because they have spoken on the same things that Kevin has and some of these people were doctors, It is because it cuts into there profits they will not let that happen at any cost. Kevin has the email addresses of 3 doctors on his site that has given my husband excellent advise and my husband has started to make progress back to good health. This book has lead to a world of info on cures, excellent health, it has opened the door to so many good things I wasn't aware of. Too bad some people don't get the big picture,just look at the condition of the way things today. I can see it!!