Up side down! I've started getting use to doing just the hand stand, with some minimal movement.
Matt Furey has a work out called the KGB - Karl Gotch Bible. Use a deck of cards. When you draw a red card do the no. of Hindu push-ups. Cards 2, 3, 4, J=10 reps etc.. Than double the reps for Hindu squats 2 would be 4 reps, when you draw a black card. It's close to 200 push ups and 400 squats. Whoop you good!
I read your posts 5 easy steps to wash board abs and the last 5/10/15 lbs. When I get down to about 215 I can almost see the ab muscles but my body, my clothes, family start saying I look sick. And it seems something happens to derail me from reaching that goal.
I believe the secret is processed food. (Oreo's for me) Ever see the guys from South America who live in the jungle?