I was just diagnosed with severe gerd/lpr about a week ago. My ENT put me on Nexium twice a day before i eat, however, i still feel my bb here. I am pretty sure that my horrible bb is coming from my throat area bc of my dried mucus and gerd. I saw that you were tested for H pylori and are taking prevacid. WIll my doc just automatically test for this bc i have been on this med for a week and have see no difference in my lpr or my bb. My symptoms are a lump in my throat, ears pop, white on back of my tongue, large tase buds, mucus, bb, bad taste in my mouth, gets worse after i eat, burning my throat sometimes. Now i know i have acid reflux but how do i know if i have H pylori and how long does it take for these meds to work. Thanks so much im desperate