I'm off to the doctor tomorrow. Gonna see an gastrowhatever. I'm starting to think that my chronic smoking has altered something in my body and I am severely deficient in something that helps with digestion. That horrible diet probably made it worst.
To the person who nailed me because I saw no change after 4 days, go back and read my original post. I acknowledge that my smell will get worse before it gets better.
So far I cut out all the red meats and pizza that I used to eat everyday. The only thing I noticed so far is cleaner wipes after doing #2. I cut the dunkin donuts out the past two days that I would get in the morning. My stomach feels alot better but a nasty taste returned to my mouth today.
I am also starting to wonder whether positioning my feet at head level on my desk for 8-10 hours a day might be another problem. That is the only thing I havent stopped doing that I did in the past.