Subvert the Dominant Paradigm...
Once again I agree with you, you'll get cat scratches all over yourself on this board. I've noticed some women really listening though ;)
Nothing is worse than bad sex. Dietary changes transformed me in many ways. All the medicinal herbs for libido/prostate have been used for many eons for connected ailments: blood flow, circulation, and adaptogenic properties for immune support.
Pretty much doing everything from all my posts made the difference.
Blood-type Diet(knowing your secretor status), Organic and/or wild foods, little/no meat-more seafood, no un-cultured dairy, no wheat, no sugar, no allopathic pills, and no 'white'
table salt . I still haven't mastered a raw vegan diet though--you need the right forest...
My roommate at the time USED to have terrible hay fever & cat allergies.
Now he has a pet cat, and enjoys working in the yard most of the time.