I'm a 30 year old woman and my boyfriend and I have a great relationship. We've been dating for about a year and just recently we moved in together. Our sex life has just taken a nose dive. When we lived apart we had sex once or twice just about every weekend, I would've liked to do it more often but often my daughter was with me and the only time I could sleep over was on the weekends. I told him that too, that I would like to do it more often but I understood our "lives" (kids, work, etc) made it difficult. I guess I thought when we moved in together it would get better because my daughter has her own room and we sleep together every night. Not the case though, he falls asleep on the couch - we've had sex twice in the last two months! I've tried to talk to him about it but I don't know what to say because I'm worried that it's me. I quit smoking and gained a little weight - I only weighed about 105 to begin with so a little weight isn't so bad but when it's coupled with a recent adult Acne problem and your boyfriend quits sleeping with you, it's pretty upsetting.
He says he still finds me attractive but still doesn't seem interested in sex. What can I do?