I really cant blame the guys that dont want to have sex with women in their 30's and 40's. Have you taken a look at women as they age? They become stressed out and ugly because of work and family. This is not at all attractive to men. And this is the exact reason why your men dont want to have sex with you is because women that dont take care of themselves are just gross. If he could find an 18 year old he would be having sex with her every day. Life doesnt just get in the way. There are few men in this world that would prefer work, or sports over sex...at any age. The reason men even keep you around when the sex wears off is because you make good company and are his best friend (unless he has a dog). Start taking better care of yourselves physically and emotionally. Or just accept it and just be thankful your getting it at all, because I sure couldnt touch a women that doesnt take care of her self.