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Re: To Lapis
My spiritual story is book length. If I were to leave anything out, the context is lost. Coles notes:
I was basically haunted with conditioning of the usual religious dogma that pervades many. It peaked with an experience whereby, out of total desperation, I communicated with god and found out that god was me, that it is all god, every plant, every breath, every molecule, everythought, everything. It was a very profound and calming experience. Since then I have little fear. Some prefer to use the term of source instead of God or "all that is" but it was a relief to me that I wasn't trapped in a game of soulmining after all from an evil dictator/creator. Others are still tormented though so we, collectively have a long way to go. When I still hear slogans like "Hell is hot, hot, hot" we have a very, very, long way to go.
Is this the tormented aspect of YOUR soul. Keep seeking answers. Leave no stone unturned. Truth is self evident and awarenss stems out of that.
Have a nice trip.
PS, how is your health condition? Are you into alternative health?