Ive had horrible sinus infections for the last 2 years now and have reasearched and tried just about everything. Im surprised that i have not found your technique b4 in my constant online search for sinus information. About four months ago i purchased the grossman sinus irrigator and have had mild amounts of success with it. WHile it does seem to clean out my sinuses a bit it never seems to really do the trick and get rid of the infection. My main problem with my infections is that they make me dizzy and give me that "cold medicine head" light headed feeling that is hard to describe but seems to effect alot of sinus sufferers out there. I have not really had much relief from this feeling for the past two years and it has had an effect on every part of my life. While I do feel that chronic sinus infection sufferers need to confront their sinus problems on many diffrerent fronts i think that the key to relief is in some sort of irrigation. I think that your technique of irrigation maybe more successful than regular irrigation because of the "soaking" and "flooding" factor. Instead of just shooting some salt water up the nostrils and hoping it goes to the right place the flooding may let the solution work better into the sinus membranes. Infact i tried combining your trick with my usual irrigation last night and felt a little better then usual after letting the solution soak for only about 2 minutes. Im curious if you've had any experiance with the pulsating irrigators like mine. Also I would like to ask you if youve tried any other additives to your solution. Ive tried a few things but have been scared off by soem warnings ive read online. For instance i used tea tree oil for a while but read that the oil could drip into your lungs and give you pnuemonia. I also tried betadine instead of h2o2 but read it could give you kindney damage and worse that it actually kills off the cellular healing inside the sinuses. Alkalol, Grapefruit seed extract, echinachea, ive tried tons of things but i didnt see results fast enough and would always jump to my next idea. I think that it might be a good idea to start a website that logs peoples experiances with these home grown cures focusing on irragation techniques and formulas. Just an idea. I look forward to a reply...