Re: My personal cure for sinus infections. It works!
Thank you CanDo,
i read most of your messages on the board and am very found of trying h2o2.
I have very often sinus infections. Also i have much nasal polypes. The doctors prescribed anitibiotica and nasonex spray. Wihile the antibiotica did not help at all. The nasonex helped as long i used it. But when stoping the situation becomed even worst. I do not even think of using such stuf anymore.
Another doctor i visited let make röentgen pictures and recomended surgery of my nasal polyp. I am still thinking about. Expecialy because they told me about laser surgery wich should be effective.
I felt very bad this summer. Fortuitous after some dermal problems a dermatologist prescribed me an anti-fungal therapy.
An oh miracle many of my nasal problems disapeared after threatment.
Now i feel much much better than last somer but stil have regularily sinus infections.
Since then i am trying
- nose pipe, with salt watter
- salbei oil in my nose
- aerosole inhalatons with prospane
- hot air inhalatons (with device called marchal inhalator)
- diet (no sweets)
- negatively ionized air (ionizer on the top of my desk) )
and am considering
- your h2o2 irrigation technic
- might be also with silver
Do you have some idea what could help further?
p.s. sorry for my english.